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IT WAS A POUNDING HEADACHE that woke Kalani from her deep slumber

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IT WAS A POUNDING HEADACHE that woke Kalani from her deep slumber. She opened her eyes to yet another unfamiliar room. It was very pretty, a large window revealing the forest on the outside and dark undertones throughout the room.

The sheets along with the walls were dark, giving the room a sleek look. Kalani glances up to see a massive painting hanging over the bed. It was so beautiful that her breath caught in her throat for a second.

The bathroom wasn't in another room, no, it was right in front of her, wide open like whoever designed the house had no care in the world

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The bathroom wasn't in another room, no, it was right in front of her, wide open like whoever designed the house had no care in the world.

She looks down under the sheet to see that someone changed her out of her bodycon dress into a pair of silk shorts and a cropped camisole that felt soft on her skin.

Another thing that Kalani noticed was the Tylenol and glass of water on the bedside table. She reached over and quickly took it, finishing off the water.

When she threw her head back onto the bed, she can't help but groan as she thinks about what happened the night before. Though she was drunk, she wasn't so drunk to the point that she didn't remember a thing. No, she remembered it all.

While she was at the club, sipping on her rum and coke, she realized something: she couldn't get away. She's in a completely different country with people that can kill her if she even thinks about running away. So, she made the resolve to accept it ━ but to piss off Giovanni as much as possible.

If she had to be there, the least she could do is be very annoying.

A thought crosses her mind that she'd been doing that since day one but she just laughs at that.

A knock on the door snaps her out of her thoughts. She releases a groan as she rolls out of the very comfortable bed and meets the cold hardwood floor. There was something nostalgic about her feet touching it but she just shrugged that thought off and approaches the door.

She throws it open, an annoyed smile on her face, only to be met with Sofia's wide eyes and bright smile. Her face is frozen in shock as the Italian girl throws herself on her, giggling like a child.

"Hey?" Kalani says, unsure of how to respond to this sudden show of affection.

"How are you?" Sofia pulls away and rests her hands on Kalani's shoulders, her eyes scanning Kalani's face. "How was your night out last night?" Seeing Kalani's confused face, she elaborates, "Angelo told me about it."

Kalani shakes her head, "Uh, yeah, it was good."

Sofia pauses and looks at the girl in front of her, "That doesn't sound like it was good." She starts, "But, let's not dwell on it for too long. Get dressed, amore, we're going shopping in town."

"Uhhh," Kalani barely has a chance to respond before Sofia pushes her further into the room, squealing like a child.

KALANI WALKED out of the room, wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt that Sofia had lent to her

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KALANI WALKED out of the room, wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt that Sofia had lent to her. Since her suitcase wasn't in the country, she didn't really have much to go off of except for the bag of makeup that Sofia had packed for her.

The Italian girl had left her while she was in the shower, trying to give her space to get ready, so Kalani was wandering through the hallways on her own. Sofia gave her instructions on how to get to the foyer but Kalani already kinda forgot.

Given that the house was huge, she just followed wherever her feet took her only to stumble upon an empty hallway, save for the large portraits on the wall. Her feet lightly hit the cold floor, pushing her towards the large staircase that spiraled downstairs. She peeks over to see Sofia and Gio standing there, seeming to be in a heated argument.

They were speaking in rapid Italian, almost making Kalani's head spin.

Deciding to follow her resolve by being annoying, she makes her loud entrance hopping down the staircase, "I hope y'all aren't talking about me."

She could see Giovanni visibly tense up at her entrance, his chiseled back facing her.

Sofia immediately grinned at the sound of her voice, "Guess what?"

Kalani raises her eyebrow in question as Giovanni steps to the side, revealing his profile to the woman. She almost awes at his naturally curly hair. She liked it a lot better than his greased back hair, she could tell that much. He was dressed in a simple white button up, the cuffs rolled up to his forearm, revealing his tattoos.

"Giovanni here will be joining us on our trip." Sofia squeals happily like any of what she just said was the best thing ever.

Kalani folds her lips in an awkward smile already predicting how crazy the rest of the day was going to be, "Lovely."

When she glances at the man, she sees him with his body completely turned towards her, already looking at her, eyes narrowed with an indecipherable look behind them. His eyes travel down her body, as if checking her out, almost making her squirm in her spot.

"I hope you plan to purchase better outfits." He deadpans before walking out of the house.

Kalani turns to Sofia, her eye twitching. Sofia forces a wide grin on her face, "It'll be great."

yalllll im sorry this chapter is short and kinda weird but 🤷🏾‍♀️ eed eez whad eed eez

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yalllll im sorry this chapter is short and kinda weird but 🤷🏾‍♀️ eed eez whad eed eez

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