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( kevin hart voice: it's about to go down )

 TIRED( kevin hart voice: it's about to go down )

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THE WOMAN, NEEDLESS to say, is tired of staring at the same bland wall. She's tired of being in the same vicinity as her brother. She's tired of him always trying to talk to her. She's tired of breathing the same air as him.

She scrunches her face up at the sight of a bug that she categorizes under the big-as-fuck-for-no-reason section of life.

Kalani wants fresh air. She wants freedom.

She wants Giovanni ━ no, she needs him.

And last but definitely not least, Kalani's tired of crying.

Hours of thinking did her good. Planning her escape plagues her mind. Then the daunting question.

"Why?" Her voice is strong as she looks up. He was sat around the table, tapping away on his phone. Shocked at hearing her voice for the first time in a couple of hours, he looks at her, a raised eyebrow on his face, "Why did you kill Giovanni's father?"

He sneers, "Oh, so you on a first name basis with the man that kidnapped you?"

She narrows her eyes at him, hoping he receives the message in her glare, "Yeah, Kellan, I guess I am." She pauses, "What, were you forced? Did they threaten your family or something?"

Something in his eyes darkens as he leans back, crossing his large arms over his chest. Silence passes between them as they stare each other down, trying to see who will break first.

She tilts her head.

He cracks, "You don't trust me, do you?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine." Kellan retorts, agonizingly. He smirks when he sees his sister roll her eyes. He huffs, "I killed him because I wanted to. I got a taste of power when I was rolling around with the Bratva. Taking out the Don was a way to solidify that."

Kalani narrows her eyes, skeptically, "Is that the truth?"

Kellan scoffs in disbelief, "You think I'd lie to you?"

Kalani releases a sarcastic chuckle, "You've done a hell of a lot worse." Her brother rolls his eyes. She continues, "So, you got greedy?"

The man shrugs, "Everyone does."

A shudder escapes her as she rolls her eyes, "Yeah, well, not everyone acts on it..."

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