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"I TOLD HER I WOULD take her

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"I TOLD HER I WOULD take her. You know I am a man of my word." Giovanni's voice was booming as he spoke to Mario and Dante. They were sat outside by the pool where the sun was just beginning to rise. Kalani was still in his bed sound asleep when he left the room to meet with his men.

After a lengthy early-morning meeting with some of his investors, Mario told him to hang back so they could talk. Giovanni wasn't surprised that he wanted to speak about the fact that he's still taking Kalani to New York in a day.

The three surrounded a square table, one on each side as they all sipped on coffee or tea.

"So, you took my advice and threw it away as if it meant nothing?" Mario narrows his eyes.

Giovanni shakes his head, "I will keep her in the castle after the trip."

"And what about during the trip? You said you will not bring any men with you. What if something is to happen?" Mario retorts quickly.

Giovanni's head snaps to stare at his advisor, "La terrò al sicuro." I will keep her safe.

"Non ne dubitiamo, capo, ma un piccolo backup sarebbe d'aiuto nel caso." We don't doubt that, boss, but a little backup would help just in case. Dante sips his tea as he leans forward.

Dante wasn't doing all too well. He'd been busy for days on days in order to make sure every business that the family was in charge of was fortified and extra measures were being taken. Since that was the case, Sofia found it extra easy to avoid him and it was starting to take a toll on him.

He misses waking up next to her but she even managed to sleep in another room. All he could do is wait her out.

Giovanni looks between the two, "Di 'ad Angelo e Franco di fare le valigie. Partiamo domani." Tell Angelo and Franco to pack their bags. We leave tomorrow.

KALANI WAS STILL DEAD to the world when he walked back into the room

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KALANI WAS STILL DEAD to the world when he walked back into the room. She sleeps on her stomach, her body covered by the silk sheets that Giovanni put on her before he left. He sits on her side of the bed and presses his hand flat against the nape of her neck where her tattoo is. She was still naked from their activities the night before but he didn't focus too much on that.

Instead, he traces the tattoo with his index finger before leaning forward and pressing a kiss on each bird. Kalani shifts awake under his touch. She turns her head to face him before allowing a small smile to spread across her face.

"Good morning," Her voice was slightly sore from the screaming and other throat-related things she engaged in last night.

Giovanni pecks her nape again, "Buongiorno bellezza." Good morning, beautiful. They both have similar looks in their eyes, lust and something neither of them could describe. "You haven't told me about these..." He runs his finger down her neck.

She takes the opportunity to turn completely so her whole body is facing him. His hand immediately flies to her melanated cheek, brushing her curls behind her ear.

"The smallest bird is me, the biggest is my dad. You can guess who the middle one is." She raises an eyebrow at him, amusedly. He chuckles and looks away, his hand still holding her. She almost releases an audible awe at his laugh but she stops herself,. She takes the hand that is on her face and holds it in front of her eyes, "What about this one?"

"It's a Phoenix," He says, looking down at her hand on his. She intertwines them, showing just how much of a perfect fit their hands are, "They are known for rising from the ashes of their predecessors. It's there to remind me that no matter what or who tries to destroy me, I will always come out stronger and more powerful."

Kalani's eyes don't leave his face as she brings his hand to her mouth and kisses it. His thumb sticks out to brush along her bottom lip as their eyes connect.

"Well, you're pretty strong and powerful, if I do say so myself."  She sings that like Jay-Z, earning a smile from Giovanni. She starts to dance in the bed while singing Beyoncé's part.

Yet another indecipherable look emits from Giovanni's eyes as he watches the chocolate-skinned woman burst out, vocally.

"You have such a beautiful voice, principessa." He says, sweetly when she tones down a little.

She stops singing and looks up at him, a bright smile on her face, "Awe shucks, bout to make a black girl blush." She covers her face, playfully before taking hold of his shirt and pulling him into her.

He holds her face as their lips meet in a fury of fireworks and sparks. Suddenly, Kalani pulls away with a whimper of pain. She clutches her stomach and squeezes her eyes shut as she feels the familiar yet very much hated cramps in her stomach.

Giovanni looks at her with worry, "Stai bene?" Are you okay?

"I need to go to the bathroom. I think my period just started."

to all of y'all who think kalani is pregnant

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to all of y'all who think kalani is pregnant.... you played yoself

anyways, i know i already published a chapter today asking if y'all are okay, but imma ask it again.

are y'all okay?

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