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"I CAN MAKE MY OWN SANDWICH, BY THE WAY," Kalani sips from her bottle of water before sending Angelo a fake smile

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"I CAN MAKE MY OWN SANDWICH, BY THE WAY," Kalani sips from her bottle of water before sending Angelo a fake smile.

He was stood on the other side of the counter, spreading slices of ham on white bread, "With how you've been limping, I doubt you could stay standing long enough to finish making it."

Kalani scoffs at his words which put her on blast, "Okay, I was not limping." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"I literally helped you get downstairs, signora." Angelo deadpans, raising an eyebrow at her, "Mayonnaise?"

She sighs in defeat, "Yes, please." She watches as he lathers the mayo over the bread before closing it and pushing it over to her. "Thank you." As he's putting the ingredients back, Kalani speaks up again, "Can I go to the pharmacy?" Angelo closes the fridge door and turns to look at the woman who was quickly becoming his friend, an eyebrow raised, "I have some stuff I need to stock up on."

Honestly, Kalani wanted to get a pack of Plan B's, however, getting some other feminine products would also help considering her Aunt Flo was due to visit in two days. She would ask Sofia for stuff but that just feels like she would be impeding too much.

"You can make a list and one of our men can pick up what you need," Angelo tells her, missing the face that she makes. She pushes her glossed lips up to her nose as Conceited did in that one meme.

"I don't know about all that, now," She says, her southernness revealing itself, "I'd rather get it myself."

Angelo avoids Kalani's gaze, "That is not possible right now, signora."

Her eyes narrow in confusion as she forgets about her hard-fought-for sandwich, her tone dripping fake innocence as she clasps her hands together, "Why not?"

"That is not a question for me to answer," Angelo says with a graver tone than hers. He walks over to the other counter where a sheet of paper and a pen is and brings it to rest in front of Kalani, "Write your list."

KALANI STORMS OUT OF THE BACK DOOR into the pool area where Giovanni is seated, involved in a conversation with two other men

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KALANI STORMS OUT OF THE BACK DOOR into the pool area where Giovanni is seated, involved in a conversation with two other men. Ignoring that fact, she stomps her feet as she approaches the small table, her tongue poking her cheek.

Eventually, she stands directly beside the men, her body catching Giovanni's eyes. He looks at her, eyes widening as she crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot against the gravel below her.

"Why am I not allowed to leave here?"

Her words cause Giovanni to wave the men away. They stand, sending Kalani weird looks as she raises a menacing eyebrow at them, tired of everybody's bullshit.

Giovanni sighs before he gestures for her to sit, which she does, throwing her right leg over her left. He adjusts himself in his seat, pulling his chair closer to the table.

Even though he knows her answer, he can't help but ask, "How are you feeling, principessa?"

She tilts her head in aggravation, "How the hell do you think I feel, Giovanni? You're trapping me in the house -- taking away even more of my freedom."


"No, I'm not finished." She holds a hand up, "First you beef up security then fifty men are taking up residence in your living room, now I'm giving security guards my personal shopping list. What the hell is going on?"

Giovanni rubs his hand over his beard, trying to figure out a way to break the news to the woman in front of him. Then, finally, "Recently, I have made some reckless decisions and, in return, the family and more specifically you are more susceptible to danger."

The look Kalani gave Giovanni was similar to that of a mother scolding her son for starting a fight in the middle of the school cafeteria, "What the hell did you do, Giovanni?"

He gazes at her beautiful face as his own expression remains indifferent, "I started a war."

Her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline, "I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me, principessa. I don't really feel like repeating." Giovanni's tone was dismissive as he looks the woman up and down.

Realizing his wandering eyes, Kalani groans and throws her head back, "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Giovanni asks, pretending to be clueless as he leans back in his seat.

"Like you want to --"

"Eat you?" He finishes her thought. He stands from his seat and strides to her side of the table. As he reaches her, he brushes the back of his hand down her soft skin, her cheeks feeling warm to the touch. Suddenly, he wraps his tattooed hand around her throat -- her favorite place -- and leans into her ear, "And what if I want to?"

She grabs the hand that holds her throat and leans further into him, "Then you're gonna have to wait until your man comes back." She then pulls away completely, him releasing her, "We're not fucking until I get my Plan B's."

this the face kalani had lmfaoooooo

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this the face kalani had lmfaoooooo

but for some reason this chapter took me 2435643 years to write

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but for some reason this chapter took me 2435643 years to write

nah but justine looking fine as fuck in that gif man, idk bout yall but whew chile 🥵🥵

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