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ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for...


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She is tired of teasing and being teased, so she does the only logical thing a woman would do. She throws a silk robe over her naked body, and waits. She focused more on the television playing music in front of her.

When there was a knock at the door in the dead of night, she approached the door, which seemed to loom over her, sending a shock of intimidation down her spine.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the door is being pulled open and she's met with Giovanni's musk and naked torso.

A pair of pants are hanging from around his waist, bringing Kalani's attention to his six-pack abs. She scans over his body before meeting his darkened eyes. He was looking over her body as well, more specifically, her breasts.

Kalani shifts her weight to her left leg as she waits for him to say something.

"Well," He starts, "Are you gonna let me in?"

Her face is still stoic as she nods and moves to the side, widening the opening so he can step through. With as much space as there was for him to walk, he brushes past her, his fingers dragging across her waist as he walks further into the room.

"Did you need anything from my room?"


While she knew what he was here for, she wanted to hear him say it, "Then what are you here for?"

"What do you want from me, Kalani?" His voice had deepened immensely as he stands behind her.

The woman in question steps away, an innocent tone in her voice, "What are you..."

His chest presses against her back as he steps close to her, "Tell me what you want, Kalani."

She says, quietly, her chest rising and falling heavily, "I want you..."

Her grabs a hold of her arm and spins her around, cupping her face in his hands.

"Look me in the eyes as you say that." He demands, cradling her cheeks.

Summoning as much confidence as she can, Kalani cranes her neck back to meet his stare, "I want you." With that, she dips her fingers into his waistband.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" His voice is husky as ever.

"Kiss me."

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