42. I WILL || the end

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42. I WILL


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KALANI SIGHS THOUGHTFULLY as she watches Giovanni from a distance. He was stood with Mario in the courtyard. The sound of jackhammers and drills being used evades her thinking.

They're back at the castle ━ hence the construction.

The past few days, she'd been feeling a bit sick. She coughed it up to food poisoning like what happened to her in middle school, but some part of her knows that she's just making excuses.

Noticing that Giovanni shifts his gaze to her, she sends him a sweet smile. He winks at her.

The relationship had been going great ━ whenever Giovanni was here. He'd been trying to pick up the pieces of all his business affairs following the whole mess and so he would leave early in the morning and not get back until the late hours of the night.

Kalani didn't mind too much. Instead, she distracted herself by writing songs. It had been a while since she sang or wrote anything in general and picking it back up seemed to take her mind off her dead brother too.

Apparently, Giovanni did take care of it. He, considering he has a great influence in the law enforcement in Italy, let it be known that Kellan died in war, his body ripped to pieces so Damien Reed was forced to bury an empty casket.

Kalani went back to North Carolina for the funeral, by herself. Needless to say, she didn't stop crying for a couple of days after realizing the severity of what she'd done.

There was a period of hating herself.

Giovanni changed that. He did everything in his power to let her know just how worthy she is. He didn't let a moment pass where he wasn't touching her or kissing her or holding her hand or even whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

She appreciates him. She loves him. And he loves her. He doesn't hesitate to tell her that whenever he's about to leave in the morning or whenever he gets home to see her fast asleep in their bed, cuddling up in one of his shirts.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she sees Giovanni approaching her, a wide smile on his face. He'd been doing that a lot more recently ━ smiling. He stops in front of her, leaning in to peck her lips.

She smiles happily and leans in towards him, savoring in his taste. The kiss deepens, now involving tongue when Kalani pulls away, her fingers running through the hair on the nape of his neck.

"Hi," She says, dreamily as she looks up at him with doe-eyes. Giovanni chuckles before brushing her cheek with the back of his hand, "How are you?"

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