09. TEST

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09. TEST

THE LONGER GIOVANNI STARED at the brown-skinned girl, the slower he realized what she was trying to do

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THE LONGER GIOVANNI STARED at the brown-skinned girl, the slower he realized what she was trying to do. She had been nursing rum and coke all night, avoiding almost all contact with anybody that approached her.

In two days, she'd surprised him with her occasional boldness. From the moment he met her, she pushed herself to show no fear but now it has escalated to teasing him everywhere they went. He was starting to get whiplash everytime she touched him or tried to turn him on. He didn't like to admit it but she was successful in that test.

Giovanni didn't keep her in the VIP section for the main reason he was in there in the first place ━ he was discussing her, to an extent. Instead, he left one of his guards in the pit of the club, keeping watch over her. However, one would say she didn't need a guard considering Giovanni's eyes hadn't left her body in the forty-three minutes they'd been there.

He barely pays any attention to the men seated across from him. Dante was beside him, sipping on whiskey, Mario a tropical drink, and Giovanni stuck to a simple Heineken.

"Non è mai stato il nostro intent." It was never our intent. The burly voice belonged to the head of another mafia family, Franco Vinzetti. He was larger in width than height, therefore Giovanni towered over him. But what Franco lacked in height, he made up for in looks. And not the good kind. He had a scarred face, usually used to intimidate people to make things go his way. That never worked on Giovanni Lazaro for as long as they'd been enemies. "Ci ha pagato in anticipo. Cinquantamila contanti." He paid us up front. Fifty thousand cash.

"Dove ha preso quel tipo di denaro?" Where did he get that type of money? Mario questions, resting his drink on the center table.

"Non sono affari nostri." Not our business. Franco deadpans, his face contorting into one of a scowl.

"Fanculo!" Fuck that! Giovanni exclaims, angry, "Dovrebbero essere affari tuoi." It should be your business.

Franco narrows his eyes at his rival. He leans back, calmly, "Che mi dici della ragazza?" What about the girl?

It's Dante's turn to speak up, "Come l'hai scoperto?" How did you find out?

Giovanni quickly connected that if the Vinzetti Family was in the know, then Kellan Reed wasn't far behind.

"Ho sentito i sussurri." I've heard the whisperings. Franco responds, catching Giovanni's glare, "Hmm, deve essere lei." That must be her.

Without hesitation, Giovanni's head whips around to catch sight of Kalani standing at the entrance of the VIP section. The guard he sent down with her was standing by her side, a nervous look on his face. The other security guard who was supposed to be watching the entrance had moved to the side, probably because of one of Kalani's threats, Giovanni deciphered.

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