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"IF GIOVANNI ISN'T THE definition of tall and handsome, then I have no clue what or who is

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"IF GIOVANNI ISN'T THE definition of tall and handsome, then I have no clue what or who is." Lauren swoons as she props her legs up on Kalani's lap. "How the hell did you snatch him up?"

Kalani giggles, "Well, he snatched me up," While she was speaking the truth, she plays it off as a joke, earning a raised eyebrow from her friend. She recounts the lie Giovanni told her earlier, "We met at one of his clubs when Hunter and I were on one of our breaks. He bought me a drink and we got to talking and it just went from there..."

Lauren props her chin on the palm of her hand, her eyebrows furrowed together, cutely, "And you didn't tell me about him 'till now? You fake ass bitch."

An elderly woman sends them horrified glances as she walks past them, overhearing Lauren cuss. The two had taken up residence at Central Park, Angelo stationed a couple yards away, giving them space to talk.

Giovanni is back at the hotel, getting updates on the castle by Dante.

"It all just happened so quickly," Kalani defends, shrugging, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"You better be." Lauren pinches her friend's arm. A moment passes where she just gazes at her friend, "I can tell he makes you happy, though. 'Cause, I wasn't kidding yesterday when I said you're glowing."

Kalani laughs, "You asked if I was pregnant."

"Okay, and?" Lauren retorts, "Y'all would make some pretty babies though."

Kalani rolls her eyes and slaps Lauren's shin, "Whatever."

"I'm thinking Lauren... after her godmom," The pregnant woman continues, dreamily but jokingly.

Kalani reaches to push her friend's legs off of her but Lauren leans forward and stops her with a loud laugh, earning more glares from the people around them. The women ignore them and continue their talk.

"He's taking care of you, though?" Lauren asks finally, her voice sweet as she looks at her best friend.

Kalani nods, a small smile on her face as her mind roams to Giovanni Lazaro, the man she found herself falling for. He's sweet, caring, kind when he wants to be, protective ━ so far from what Kalani expected, initially. And he's genuine. Which, believe it or not, is hard to find in anyone nowadays. Sure, there is the part where he's seeking vengeance for his father against Kellan, but she wouldn't really know how to feel about it until the day comes.

Everytime she's around him, though... It's something she'd never felt before ━ it's butterflies in her stomach, it's a wave of happiness that rushes over her just at the sound of his voice. It's her constant thinking about him and the blushing that he manages to get out of her.

It's always wanting to be around him and wanting to comfort him through his bad days and hype him up on his good ones.

"Ooh, I know that face ━ what are you overthinking about?" Lauren sips from her bottle of water as she rests her elbow on the back of the park bench.

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