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GIOVANNI WOULD RATHER DROP DEAD than listen to the two women in front of him talk about any more luxury stores

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GIOVANNI WOULD RATHER DROP DEAD than listen to the two women in front of him talk about any more luxury stores. The layout of the group of people was intimidating to say the least. In the front walked Sofia and Kalani, bright smiles on their faces as they talked. Immediately behind them was Giovanni trailing behind them, his hands held loosely behind his back.

He'd left Dante in charge of affairs back at the castle when he was forced into the shopping trip with his sister and his hostage.

Yes, Sofia Lazaro ━ the bright and cheery soul who could not be more his opposite ━ is Giovanni Lazaro's sister.

In the morning, he had walked into the foyer straight into an argument that included a lot of curse words in their native language.

Short story long, Sofia wanted to go shopping with Kalani without the bodyguards. Giovanni proceeded to spout off his usual lecture of keeping them protected. Sofia said she knew how to defend them. Giovanni then reminded her that he's the head of a mafia family and that having a little glock wasn't enough to ensure her safety. Sofia then came up with the idea that her brother accompanies them. Before he could reject that suggestion, Kalani had walked downstairs and interrupted them.

And from there, he had been walking around with the two women who seemed to completely ignore his presence ━ other than the small glances Kalani kept taking that he caught on more than one occasion.

Suddenly, Sofia grabs Kalani's hand and pulls her in the direction of a very modern looking store. Giovanni almost releases a groan as the store consisted of female clothing and shoes.

"Oggi sarà una lunga giornata." Today is going to be a long day. Giovanni says loud enough for his sister to hear and scoff in response.

HOURS PASSED IN WHICH Giovanni served as the judge and credit card for many of Kalani's outfits

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HOURS PASSED IN WHICH Giovanni served as the judge and credit card for many of Kalani's outfits. Sofia would usually be off searching for more clothes, therefore leaving Giovanni to sit in the waiting room, scanning Kalani's outfit every time she came out in something new.

Currently, he sat on the seat, his eyes trained on his phone, reading through the messages from Dante about the rundown on what was going on back home.

Sofia was back in the store, stacking more clothes on her arm for Kalani to try while said girl was in the dressing room, rummaging through the pile of outfits that Sofia left with her. Her eyes catch the sight of a slip of lace. She pulls it out completely, a sly grin on her face when she realizes what she could do by putting this on.

Without hesitation, she removes the rest of her clothing and slips on the lingerie set that fit her perfectly. Remembering that there was a large mirror out in the waiting room, she moves past the one in the dressing room and steps out barefooted.

Giovanni, hearing that the door to the dressing room had opened, glanced up in order to judge her next outfit only to have his breath get caught in his throat. His eyes scan her body as she seemingly ignores him and approaches the large mirror in the waiting room.

The set didn't really leave much to the imagination. Her hardened nipples pushed against the lace material considering how cold the store was in general. The thin garter belt accentuated her curves and her supple hips. Her ass was on full display as her back was facing him.

He stared at her, intensely

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He stared at her, intensely. With his eyes scanning her body, he looks through the mirror only to catch her eyes. She was staring at him through the mirror, a mildly innocent look on her face as she ran her hands over her body.

She almost jumps in her spot when he stands swiftly and approaches her. Their eyes don't leave each other as he moves behind her.

His eyes leave hers, trailing her body through the mirror once again, before opening his mouth to speak, his accent thick, "What are you doing, Kalani?"

She smirks, "Trying on clothes, Gio."

His hand reaches around to grab the front of her throat, their eyes connecting in the mirror yet again.

"Stop fucking with me, bambina." Giovanni hisses, the tension between them so thick that Kalani feels the butterflies in her stomach travel further down to her core. "What are you trying to do?"

Kalani doesn't seem fazed as she arches her back slightly to press her ass against his crotch, her hand gripping his right thigh, surprising them both.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?"

"I think you're trying to make this harder than it is." He says into her ear, the clouds in his head clearing, "If you want to play a game, principessa, let's play a game but just know..." His cold finger touches her warm skin causing her to twitch slightly. His finger glides down her smooth stomach, quickly approaching the waistband of her panties, earning a shiver from the woman in front of him, "I always win."

As soon as Kalani feels him release his grip on her, she spins herself around to face him, her hands gripping his belt to pull him closer to her. The surge of confidence in her forces her on tip toes to whisper into his ear, "Game on."

LMFAOOOO i love writing them tease each other

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LMFAOOOO i love writing them tease each other

i hit yall w another short chapter too bhahah

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