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"THIS IS YOURS." The man, who Kalani learned went by Dante, announced as he opened the door to a large room. Kalani was greeted by a California King-Sized bed, bedside tables on either side. The colors of the room were neutral, leaving much to the imagination.

It was spacious, a couch in the corner right by an ajar door. The light was on from within the room, giving Kalani a look at the walk-in closet on the inside. On the other side of the room was a set of double, sliding doors. They were closed so Kalani could only assume they led to the bathroom.

She releases a shaky breath as her eyes scan the room, trying to find a way to escape, but comes up empty. There was a bay window, a seating area complementing it.

Dante seemed to read her mind and with his accented voice, he speaks, "Unless you plan on throwing yourself out of the window, there's no way to leave." He watches as her gaze stays planted on the window, "It is a three-story fall."

Kalani resists the urge to roll her eyes, massively annoyed at how he could read her mind and deter her from trying to leave. She spins around, her arms flailing, "Why can't you let me go?"

Dante shakes his head, "That's not up to me."

"Then who the hell is it up to? That guy from earlier?" Kalani asks a hint of disbelief in her tone, "He won't because he has some vendetta against my brother - which, by the way, has nothing to do with me. Why am I still here?"

"That is not a question for me to answer."

"Well, you're going to have to." Kalani deadpans. Her eyes burn a hole into the man's head as she waits for him to answer her questions.

Instead, he shakes his head and turns towards the door. He pulls it open, Kalani still stuck in her spot by the window. "Riposati un po 'Adesso." Get some rest now.

"What does that even mean?" 

Ignoring her, Dante scrambles out of the room, and there is a click signifying that he locked her in there, leaving Kalani to screech in anger and frustration. She wanted to go home. She was in a different place with crazy people who believed that she had something to do with what her brother had done. What has he gotten himself into? So many thoughts bombard her mind as she begins to pace. Maybe with all the pacing, she could do exactly what the man from before had said. She sticks her hands into her back pockets, a reminder that her phone was still at the apartment, probably cracked to the point of no return.

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