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"I DON'T TRUST YOU." Kalani held her head high as she spoke her truth. Her hand pressed flat against his sculpted chest, enjoying the feeling of his skin under hers. Her eyes had yet to stray down to lower places as she kept her gaze on the windows to his soul ━ his eyes.

Giovanni nods, "Good. I wasn't expecting you to."

He tightens his grip around her waist, pushing her further under the water to the wall so he was shielding her from the water flow.

"What do you want from me?" Kalani questions, her neck thrown back as she looks up at Giovanni who was almost a whole foot taller than her.

He pauses, "Cooperation."

"Hmm," Kalani hums in thought, "I don't think that's in my vocabulary."

Giovanni scoffs in amusement, "Of course not."

"Is this how I get answers from you?" Kalani smirks, "We have to be naked in the shower?"

Giovanni matches her smirk, "That's up to you."

"Well, if that's the case... What did my brother steal from you?" Her smile fell from her face, now dead serious.

"Nice try, principessa." He deadpans before shifting to take a step back, only to be stopped by Kalani grabbing a hold of his wrist and pulling him closer to her.

He stands there, stoic, as she presses her chest against his. Their eyes scan each other's faces, Kalani taking in the water dripping from his nose and chin, Giovanni taking in her natural beauty.

"What?" Kalani's voice was uncharacteristically quiet as she spoke, "You're not gonna wrap your hand around my throat and tell me not to fuck with you?"

"I've figured out that the more I do that, the more you provoke me." He says, his hand trailing up to her neck, his thumb trailing over where her throat meets her collarbone. "It didn't take me long to realize that it's because you like when I choke you."

Kalani pauses, not really sure how to come back from that exposure, "So what?"

"When was the last time your boyfriend gave you an orgasm?" Giovanni's question was so bold that Kalani was thrown all the way off guard.

She sputters, eyes widening. Giovanni smirks at her being frozen, knowing that he got her there.

"That's none of your business." She states, looking away.

He puts a finger under her chin and turns it towards him, "Answer my question, Kalani."

"Why should I? You never answer any of mine." Kalani throws that back into his face, watching as he isn't fazed by her words, just waiting for an answer. She groans quietly, "That's none of your business."

Giovanni's eyebrows furrow at her answer, "He didn't care for your pleasure."

Now feeling slightly awkward, Kalani fakes a smile, "Is that supposed to be a question?"

Abruptly, Giovanni presses his hands flat against the wall on either side of Kalani, trapping her in his grasp. She says nothing as he grows closer to her, his lips now an inch away from hers. His actions bring her to clench her thighs together, feeling herself get aroused.

What is he up to?

"No." He responds to the question she asks, their breaths mingling in the air between them. "When was the last time you had one?"

In her head, Kalani is yelling, "Is this Make Kalani Horny Day?" But in reality, she answers his question, honestly. It's something about his intense gaze that wants her to act dumb, "Had one what?"

His eyes flicker to her plump lips and he takes his own into his mouth, "When was the last time you fucked yourself?" Her lack of a response was enough for him to get his answer.

Her mouth felt dry as she watched him mull over something in his head, his eyes not leaving hers. With his mouth still barely an inch away, he closes the space between them, his lips brushing against hers lightly, not fully kissing. She leans into him, waiting for him to deepen it. Much to Kalani's disappointment, he pulls away, dropping his arms and stepping away.

"I admire your will power." Giovanni says, avoiding her gaze. He says nothing more before leaving Kalani under the shower and walking over to the one farther away from her.

As he turns that one on, Kalani is left stunned by what happened. She remains leaning on the wall, her eyes wide in realization. Pushing herself off, she turns to face the man, finally getting a better sight of his entire body.


Her eyes are drawn to his defined chest and abs. She catches a glimpse of a tattoo on the former. The hair on his chest is minimum, the same as his happy trail. His stomach looks amazing ━ giving way to a perfect six-pack that Kalani wouldn't mind running her fingers over. Her eyes can't help but stray lower, taking in his manhood.

Not much to her surprise — he's hard, one hand wrapped around himself and the other roaming his body.

Her eyes narrow in suspicion as she turns the pipe off, feeling it had been running long enough, "Hold up. Did you just play me?"

She almost awes when he chuckles, his white teeth shining in the dimmed room.

"You tell me."

She pauses then smirks, "Is that why you're jerking off in the shower?"

He just quietly leans his head forward, giving Kalani the fuel she needs for future situations.

somebody take my phone, it's almost 3 in the morning 😭 but i just wanted to write another one cause why notttt

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somebody take my phone, it's almost 3 in the morning 😭 but i just wanted to write another one cause why notttt

and these mfs keep riling each other up, i can't wait till they fuck, man, i swear 🥺🥺🌊

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