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"NOTIZIE APPENA ARRIVATE, GIOVANNI." News just came in, Giovanni. Dante strides in with Mario by his side, his phone bright in the palm of his hand.

Giovanni stood by the fireplace in his office, nursing a glass of whiskey. He turns to face his right-hand man and his advisor when he realizes their haste.

"Kellan?" He questions the topic of the conversation.

Dante nods, fearfully, "Abbiamo scoperto con chi stava lavorando." We found out who he was working with.

"Tell me who."

"... The Bratva." Dante answers, hesitantly.

Giovanni scowls, "Sta lavorando con i russi?" He's been working with the Russians?

"Sì, vogliono incontrarti in Grecia." Yes, they want to meet with you in Greece. Dante informs his boss, jaw clenched at the thought.

Giovanni nods and glances at his watch, "Prendi il resto degli uomini." Get the rest of the men.

" Get the rest of the men

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