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KALANI STARES AT the man sitting across from her with a scowl

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KALANI STARES AT the man sitting across from her with a scowl. As fine as he was looking, she couldn't help how aggravated he made her. Considering that she was screaming and writhing just minutes before like she wouldn't hesitate to throw herself off the private jet, they decided to tie her hands behind her with his own tie.

His black shirt was slightly unbuttoned, revealing his chest tattoos. His cuffs were folded back one, displaying his expensive Rolex. She was annoyed by the fact that, in all this madness, he looked so relaxed and unbothered.

She could feel her stomach start to eat itself at how hungry she was on top of that. Her eyes flicker towards the very attractive flight attendant as she hands Giovanni a glass of what appeared to be whiskey.

Kalani doesn't miss how she pushes her chest forward and her butt out as she bends to give it to him. She also didn't miss how uninterested Giovanni looked.

Dante and another man that was older sat in the set of seats across from them, paying them no mind, so Kalani decided to speak.

She waits until he lifts the drink to his lips, "Isn't it a bit early?"

He swallows before licking his lips. Kalani shifts in her seat. Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees, "As you Americans say, it's five o'clock somewhere."

Kalani rolls her eyes and throws her head back, suddenly feeling weak. Giovanni takes notice of how she became quiet and waves the flight attendant over. Kalani listens as he asks her something in Italian.

The flight attendant nods and walks away. At that point, both Dante and the other guy stand, giving Giovanni glances, before going to the other section of the plane and closing the curtain to separate them. Five minutes pass before the flight attendant returns with a hearty meal. She places the dish in front of Kalani. She stares at it: pancetta, kale and brussels sprout all mixed into a fettuccine.

Her resolve didn't budge, "I'm not hungry." She didn't want to give him the satisfaction. As the flight attendant was about to pick the plate back up, Giovanni stops her with a raised hand. She nods and walks away.

"Eat." He demands.


"Do not make me feed you." His voice deepens and his accent thickens, causing Kalani to shift uncomfortably in her seat. "You haven't eaten in hours."

"Whose fault is that?" She mumbles loud enough for him to hear.

He ignores her and continues, "I don't need you passing out when we get to where we're going." 

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