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"UNA DANNATA DOCCIA PER BAMBINI, GIOVANNI?" A damn baby shower, Giovanni? Mario hobbles into Giovanni's office, angrily

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"UNA DANNATA DOCCIA PER BAMBINI, GIOVANNI?" A damn baby shower, Giovanni? Mario hobbles into Giovanni's office, angrily. "Pensavo che l'avresti tenuta bloccata." I thought you were keeping her in lockdown.

Giovanni leans back in his seat. He throws the paper he was reading to the side as he loses his rhythm. "C'è stato un cambio di piano." There was a change of plans. He retorts, his lips forming a scowl.

"Ovviamente." Obviously. Mario growls, "E cosa succede quando la trovano e la prendono da te, Giovanni? Perché succederà." And what happens when they find her and take her from you, Giovanni? Because it will happen.

"Non lo faranno." They won't.

Mario angrily slams his cane against the floor, "You are an arrogant man, Giovanni Lazaro! Just like your father before you."

Giovanni stands with fury, "Non osare parlare di mio padre in quel modo." Don't you dare speak about my father like that.

"I speak the truth. You seem too stuck in your ways to hear it." The eldest Italian seethes, "And in the process, you are putting an innocent girl in danger. None of this would have happened had you done everything without her."

"I needed her!" Giovanni exclaims, "I still do. And so what if I care? La sto tenendo al sicuro." I'm keeping her safe.

"And now you are going to get her killed!"

After Mario yells his final word, a strange silence washes over the two. Giovanni cranes his neck back so he can stare at the ceiling. He gulps. Mario limps to a chair, his body suddenly becoming exhausted.

The mafia boss turns to his advisor, "Cosa mi consigliate di fare?" What do you suggest I do?

"Keep her in the castle until this all blows over. She's no good to us if she is dead."

"WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU AND my brother?" Sofia shoots her question at the woman, a large grin on her face

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"WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU AND my brother?" Sofia shoots her question at the woman, a large grin on her face.

Kalani shrugs, shoveling a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. She's been eating a lot of that lately.

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