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( a little blood and action ahead... just a warning )

 just a warning )

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"WE HAVE A MEETING to attend to." Giovanni's tone wasn't as sweet as it was on the flight to Sicily, but when they arrived at the castle, the sun setting in the sky, his entire attitude had taken a complete 180°.

"Am I allowed to know what the meeting is about?" Kalani questions even though she could already guess the answer. Giovanni just looks at her, an eyebrow raised. "Okay then. Nevermind. Guess I'll just wait to see."

She didn't know what to expect when she entered the house behind Giovanni but it definitely wasn't a large group of unfamiliar faces scattered around the living room. A gasp escapes her as her eyes run over a table filled with guns.

She's even more shocked when Giovanni pulls his own weapon from the back of his belt and rests it there.

"What the hell is going on, Giovanni?"

At the sound of her voice, all conversations cease and all eyes cast to her. She shifts, uncomfortably under the gazes of so many men and steps back for her to collide with Giovanni's chest.

Giovanni wraps his hand around Kalani's forearm and pulls her towards a chair. He leans into her ear, not caring who's watching them, and whispers, "Sit down and be quiet, Kalani. I promise nothing will happen to you."

His reassurance only made her more nervous. She nods before silently taking a seat.

Her leg fidgets as one pair of eyes in particular bogs her down. The man is seated in one of the brown leather chairs, his haircut fresh and his shoulders broad. A sinister smirk is on his face as he looks Kalani up and down ━ checking her out.

Giovanni, taking notice of how uncomfortable his girl is, starts off, "What do you want, Roman?"

Roman ━ the same man who was eye fucking her ━ shifts his gaze to the Don, the smirk falling, "Peace."

Giovanni's eyebrows furrow, "Peace comes at a price. What do you have to offer?"

Roman waves his fingers, urging another man to stand and quickly hand him something. From what Kalani could see, it's a small USB flash drive.

"On this drive is information on Kellan Reed's whereabouts for the last two months," Roman's voice booms as he holds the drive up. Suddenly, he fixes his gaze back to Kalani whose mouth was slightly agape, "In exchange for his sister."

Her eyes widen as she whips her head around to stare at Giovanni. He returns her look, only his was angry and annoyed. His jaw ticks as he looks back at the Russian.

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