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IT WAS THE FEELING OF something caressing her shoulder that woke Kalani from her deep slumber ━ which obviously wasn't that deep if she was woken up so easily

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IT WAS THE FEELING OF something caressing her shoulder that woke Kalani from her deep slumber ━ which obviously wasn't that deep if she was woken up so easily.

Her eyes flutter open to Giovanni's dark room, the sunlight blocked by the thick curtains. They'd changed rooms halfway through the night so she wasn't too surprised.

She shifts, her foot hitting Giovanni's. Her body was sore, to say the least. Her hips and back were stiff as she turns to face the Italian man that caused that soreness the night before.

He was staring at her, his finger stroking her shoulder as she cuddles up to him. A comfortable silence passes between them as Kalani throws her leg over his, his hand moving from her shoulder to cradle her face.

He plants a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away, a conflicted look on his face.

"I know you think we shouldn't..." Kalani pulls away, folding her lips into her mouth. When he furrows his eyes at her, she sits up, holding the sheet to her chest, "I'm not stupid, Giovanni. Look, I get it ━ we had our fun and now that's over and we're back to the real world where you're chasing down my brother and I'm your bait."

Giovanni watches her sit there in silence, "Kalani..."

She turns to look at him, a small pout on her face.

"Lay down." He commands her.

She sighs before obeying, resting her head on his bare chest. They stare up at the ceiling in an awkward silence.

"You're not just bait to me." Giovanni says, breaking the streak.

Kalani scoffs, "But I'm just bait to everyone else..." She turns on her side and begins to run her fingers down his chest, enjoying the way his warm skin feels under her, "And if I'm not just bait to you, then what am I?"

Giovanni mulls over her words, not completely sure what to say. He barely slept the night before, his mind going into overdrive as he thought about what having sex would make them. He wasn't one to get into his feelings just because she made him feel a way no other woman had, but as he watched her sleep, he was reminded of her innocence ━ sans sexual stuff.

He craved some sort of sanity in his dangerous life. Some sort of righteousness. He wants her in his life as more than just bait. But, a part of him was scared to bring her into his world.

First, there was the fact that Mario brought up ━ that she wouldn't want to be around him anymore. She would get tired of the mafia lifestyle and  would want to go home and never think of him again. He didn't even want to think about having to kill her if it came to it ━ he pushed it out of his mind completely.

Another point was that she will hate him after he does what he has to do. Though he couldn't read her mind, he knew that the siblings were as close as him and Sofia. They were loyal to each other.

He made a promise to himself the night before, while he was watching her sleep peacefully on his chest. He promised that he would always protect her. He felt guilty to the max when he realized that he forced her from her normal life into one of constant danger. He brought her into a fucking war. That he started because he didn't realize just how much this woman means to him.

Only two weeks passed and yet Giovanni felt himself falling ━ not in love ━ but falling nonetheless for her.

He zones back in to see the beautiful woman looking up, doe-eyes staring at him, "You're Kalani Paige Reed."

"Wow, you even know my government name," Kalani chuckles as she looks back down. "But, that was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard someone say. Especially coming from a gangster."

Giovanni rolls his eyes in amusement, before his smile falls, "Would you want to go home, principessa?"

Kalani scoffs jokingly, "Is there an option?" Realizing that Giovanni isn't in a joking mood, she clears her throat, "Well, I miss my dad and my friends, but if I were to leave, believe it or not, I'd miss some people here too..."

"Like who?"

Kalani smiles in contemplation, "Sofia, for one. She's my only 'girl friend' here."

"Anybody else?"

"Well, I'd miss Angelo taking care of me when I'm drunk."

"That only happened once." Giovanni smirks. "And never again."

Kalani snickers, "Sure." Silence ensues as she runs her fingernail over the tattoo on the left side of his chest, "And you." She looks up to see Giovanni already staring at her, "I'd miss you, crazily enough."

He kisses her lips, "Anche tu mi mancherai."

"What does that mean?" Kalani questions, cradling his face in her hand.

"I'd miss you too."

so a cute lil chapter before everything goes to shit

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so a cute lil chapter before everything goes to shit

jk jk... unleesssss

but aweee they starting to like each other but they still gotta know more ab each other. it's not finna be like the movie when deadass the only thing they did was have sex and then her ass fell in love w him.

we don't do that in these screets.

also me seeing that this book has over 10k reads and over 1k votes:

also me seeing that this book has over 10k reads and over 1k votes:

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thank you guys so much‼️❤️❤️

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