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ALONG WITH CONVINCING GIOVANNI to take her to Lauren's baby shower, she also convinced him to take her shopping for a new dress

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ALONG WITH CONVINCING GIOVANNI to take her to Lauren's baby shower, she also convinced him to take her shopping for a new dress. After two hours of them going back and forth ━ Giovanni saying he can just send someone out to get a dress, Kalani countering that argument with puppy dog eyes and innocent pouts ━ they were on the road, on their way to the inner part of Sicily.

Giovanni had been ignoring Kalani since they left the house. Mainly due to the fact that he realized just how whipped he is for this woman.

Kalani, however, didn't like not having his attention so she decided that no matter how pissed he is, she'll do what she does best ━ annoy him.

It starts in the car when he sits as far away from her as the car provided, trying to evade her touch so he doesn't get pulled into her antics as usual. She, however, thought ahead and put on a revealing outfit before leaving the house.

She was, honestly, surprised he didn't say anything about how short or low her dress is.

The two were alone in the back of the SUV, the partition separating the driver from them

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The two were alone in the back of the SUV, the partition separating the driver from them. Kalani takes that to her advantage and with a sly smirk on her face, she reaches her hand over and rests it on his thigh.

She then leans her body forward so she's an inch away from Giovanni's ear. Her tongue passes her lips to lick his lobe before she kisses it sweetly.

"Are you mad at me?" She proceeds to rub his thick thighs that save lives while kissing his neck repeatedly.

"Kalani..." Giovanni growls, "Move."

She smirks, poking her cheek with her tongue, "Make me."

Kalani waits, silently, for him to do something. Her smirk widens when he does nothing. She pulls away, biting her lip as she settles back into her seat.

THE REST OF THE DRIVE WAS QUIET until they arrived at the shopping center

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THE REST OF THE DRIVE WAS QUIET until they arrived at the shopping center. Immediately, they were flanked by two security guards and Giovanni dropped a pair of shades over his eyes.

"Where to now?" Kalani turns to her Italian man. He looks down at her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You have a fitting in one of Sofia's stores." Giovanni tells her, his face stoic.

"Aww," She pouts innocently, before pulling him by the belt loops, "Don't pout, Gio. Someone could be falling in love with your smile."

Though Kalani couldn't see, the guards gave each other unsure looks. Giovanni and Kalani haven't made what they had going on exclusive so the men didn't even know what to think. Their boss and his hostage.

They made their way to Sofia's store, Giovanni leading the way. Kalani had her eyes on his ass the whole time so when he enters the door and comes to an abrupt stop, she collides with his back, an umph escaping her.

The guards disperse around the store as look out. A beautiful Italian woman approaches the remaining couple, a bright smile on her face.

Kalani watches with interest as she greets them in her native language. Giovanni nods to her before proceeding to carry a conversation with the worker. She gasps, excitedly before leading Kalani and Giovanni towards the back end of the store.

Kalani didn't miss the fact that the store was empty, leading her to believe that Giovanni emptied out the place for them to shop. She definitely didn't put it against him.

"These are a few special pieces but other than that, you have free rein," The Italian woman tells the pair, pointing out some dresses on a clothing rack.

"Grazie." Giovanni says to the woman before she nods and walks away.

Encaptured in silence, Kalani decides to speak first, "Did you really clear out the store for us?"

Giovanni turns to the woman, "This is a precaution."

Kalani hums with a nod, "Well, are we gonna just stand around or are we gonna get a dress?" She says with a wide smile.

She takes Giovanni's hand into hers and proceeds to pull him all over the place. She starts with the special pieces the woman had selected. She holds it against her chest before turning to face Giovanni. He raises an eyebrow at it.

"It looks short." He deadpans.

She wiggles her eyebrows, "Well, appearances can be deceiving, G."

"Did you just call me ━"

She holds up a finger. "Yes, yes, I did. Let's never talk about that again."

He pushes her arm down, "What did I say about interrupting me?"

"And what did I say about kidnapping me?" She retorts. Giovanni sighs at her words.

"You continue to hold that over my head when you don't seem to have a problem with it anymore." He observes, his eyes scanning the short dress on her body.

She rolls her eyes before going back to looking through the rack, "What makes you say that?" Honestly, Kalani wasn't sure how she feels about the entire situation anymore. She was angry, she was sad, she fucked her kidnapper, and now... Now, she was eager to know him.

"The fact that you're lacking panties." He tilts his head as he eyes her plump ass. "You naughty woman..."

She snickers and turns towards the man, wrapping her arms around his waist, "Great observation, Mr. Man. Does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?"

He pecks her lips. When he pulls away, her eyes seem to sparkle. Her glossy lips shine back at him and when she wipes the gloss from his lips, that's when he smiles down at her.

Taking that as an answer, Kalani kisses him again, "Why were you even mad at me?"

As much as something in his mind told him not to expose himself the way he wants to, he can't fight back against it. Instead, he opens his mouth and reveals something he wasn't really sure how to feel about.

"You make me a weak man, Kalani."

hey, are you guys doing okay?

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hey, are you guys doing okay?

i know everything going on in the world right now has to be taking a toll on people remember to take a break and check on yourself!

i love you all ❤️


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