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THE FLIGHT TO NEW YORK WAS painful for Kalani. Most of it was spent wrapped up in Giovanni's arms, his warm hand underneath her shirt, rubbing out her cramps. It satiated the pain for a while until she fell asleep for five hours. She woke up starving and antsy.

There was a point where her legs started to cramp and her breasts started feeling tender. That lead to her pulling her bra off underneath her shirt which Giovanni watched her do, a knowing smirk on his face.

The other men that Giovanni brought as backup were seated behind the curtain, giving the pair the privacy they didn't really need, but enjoyed.

When they landed, Kalani let out a sigh of relief. She wanted to take a shower and just curl up in a bed and block the rest of the world out.

On the drive to the hotel they would be staying at, which is apparently, another one that Giovanni owns, Giovanni held Kalani, continuously pressing kisses to her forehead and rubbing her stomach once again.

It all felt very domestic, the way they were cuddled up with each other.

Arriving at the hotel, the concierge removes all the bags from the cars and leads the group of people up to their rooms, passing the reception table where the women behind it were swooning at their boss.

Giovanni paid them no attention as he walks alongside Kalani who was only slightly jealous. She takes a glance at him to see him doing his swagger walk with his fine self. The cuffs of his white shirt are rolled up, a button undone at the top, revealing his chest hair, his hair disheveled from how much he ran his hand through it on the way to New York.

Needless to say, he's dripping sex appeal. And, unfortunately, Kalani's period makes her very horny.

"We will be sharing a room," Giovanni says. As an afterthought, he adds, "For safety measures."

Kalani giggles through her discomfort, "Riiiight. Safety measures." She looks back at Angelo who was raising an eyebrow at the two, "What if I wanna stay in Angelo's room?"

Both eyebrows shoot up at that ━ reasonable reactions from both men. Giovanni stops in his tracks and turns to the woman, pulling her to a stop.

"Do you want to?" His tone is menacing as he looks down at her.

"I mean," She tantalizes him, "He's as safe as I can get."

Giovanni whips his head around to look around the lobby of the hotel before he throws a glance to the men behind him and the concierge who's waiting for instructions. , "Leave us."

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