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GIOVANNI COULD TELL THAT Kalani is used to getting what she wants

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GIOVANNI COULD TELL THAT Kalani is used to getting what she wants. After convincing him to take her to her best friend's baby shower, she'd been walking around with a smug smirk that seemed impossible to wipe off.

He'd fix that.

Hence why he was currently knocking on her door at one in the morning. He doubts she'd be sleeping considering she's Kalani Reed and she never sleeps.

And just as expected, Kalani opens the door, mid-yawn.

"Were you asleep?" Giovanni asks, leaning on the door frame. He folds his arms across his chest, jaw clenched.

"That depends. Does laying in bed, staring at the ceiling count as sleep?" Kalani's mouth forms a pout which Giovanni feels tempted to change. He follows his mind and brushes his thumb against her lips. She tilts her head, curiously, "What's going on, Gio?"

"I'm hungry." He deadpans, eyes connecting with hers.

She raises an eyebrow, "You passed the kitchen on the way here..." She says almost questioningly.

"I'm hungry for something other than a sandwich." He says, his hand cradling her face gently.

Kalani scoffs, jokingly, "Are you dissing my sandwich making skills?"

Giovanni rolls his eyes, amused, "You're so annoying." He pulls her into a passionate kiss, a moan escaping her. He wastes no time in lifting her from the ground. She raises her legs and wraps them around his waist, not hesitating to lessen the distance between them.

He moves them into the room, closing the door behind them with his foot. Moments pass before he lowers her onto her bed. He hovers over her, their breaths clashing as their lips crash together.

"I want to taste you, principessa." He whispers against her lips. Kalani nods in return, rushing to pull her leggings off. Their lips disconnect before Giovanni kisses down her stomach towards her lace panties.

He pulls them off swiftly before being met with her sweet honeypot. She was already becoming wet by the time he brushes his tongue along her inner thigh. He eagerly approaches her core, eyes hungry and ravaging her body. She pulls her shirt above her breasts, a moan escaping her when Giovanni chooses that exact moment to attach his mouth to her pussy lips.

Her hips roll, subconsciously, causing him to push them down. His tongue licks a strip up from her opening to her core, gathering her wetness. His cold spit drips down to her clit before he kisses it with an open mouth.

"You taste so good, bambina." Giovanni tells her, almost drooling at her essence. The scent of shea butter wafts from her inner thighs.

Kalani is an angel in Giovanni's eyes. The way her body moves in reaction to his actions displays grace and dexterity. The way she rolls her nipples between her fingers and her other hand runs through his curly hair.

Unlike last time, she has the chance to feel him as he brings her to her high. His tongue circulates around Kalani's bud, his eyes not leaving her motions. He trails a slither of spit down to her opening before sticking his tongue in her. Kalani moans as he sweeps a finger through her wetness. That finger circles her opening before penetrating deep in her.

"Yes, Gio..." Kalani moans, "Right there." She continues as he curls his finger in her, caressing her g-spot. His jaw falls slightly as he watches her writhe under him ━ realizing the power he has over her body.

Without warning, he adds another thick, long finger, joining the other to stroke her spot. Gradually, he speeds up, curling and uncurling his fingers as quickly as he can. Kalani throws her head back with a squeal as he continues.

She grabs at his wrist, her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure.

"Fuck, Gio! I'm gonna come!" Her screams are loud as she grinds her hips against him. He allows her to chase her high.

"Cum on me, bambina." Giovanni tells her, waiting for her to let go. He spares no mercy as he speeds up even more ━ which Kalani didn't think was possible ━ trying to bring Kalani to her orgasm as quick as possible.

Suddenly, with a full body spasm, Kalani squirts right on the Italian man. He doesn't move away, he doesn't shield himself. He welcomes her juices onto his face, his tongue even running under his chin as he licks her up.

Kalani's toes curl as she endures yet another earth-shattering orgasm.

"Shit..." She lets out a whimper as Gio presses one last sweet kiss on her pussy before standing at the foot of the bed. He watches as her eyes waver between closed and opened, a wave of exhaustion washing over her.

Giovanni wets a washrag to clean the woman up. After he wipes her down, he pulls back on her panties and her leggings before leaning over her on the bed and pressing a kiss on her sleepy face.

She shifts, her eyes fluttering shut as she tries to focus on him.

"Sleep well, principessa."

And with those words, Kalani falls into a deep sleep.

idk why the only thing my brain felt like writing was smut

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idk why the only thing my brain felt like writing was smut... but here y'all go

im still trying to cope with everything that's been going on these past few days so i apologize if i don't push out as many chapters as i usually do....

i hope you all are staying safe and looking out for the black community remember....


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