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AFTER A NIGHT OF THINKING, Kalani woke up severely frustrated

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AFTER A NIGHT OF THINKING, Kalani woke up severely frustrated. She was left to finish the job herself but it didn't feel as fulfilling as it would've if Giovanni were to bring her all the way.

Her thoughts immediately go to the night before and she has to take a quick cold shower in order to cool herself down.

Out of the many shopping bags, she pulls out a light blue top that was low cut. When she slips it on, she smirks at how revealed her cleavage was. She pulls on a pair of grey leggings and admires how well it curves around her ass.

"Looking thick," She mumbles to herself

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"Looking thick," She mumbles to herself. With her belly ring on display, she exits the room only to be greeted by her security guard. He freezes at the sight of her, shocked at how she looks. "Good morning, security guard who I still don't know the name of."

The security guard tries not to chuckle at her words, "Good morning, ma'am. Boss is waiting for you downstairs."

Kalani nods in response and starts to walk down the stairs, the security guard following behind her, trying his hardest not to stare at her ass.

Kalani wasn't sure what she was about to walk into bur she was definitely sure she wasn't expecting this.

Clusters of men were scattered around the foyer and filtered into the living room, barely giving Kalani any space to walk. However, as she walks down the steps, eyes are set on her, drinking her in. She was starting to regret her outfit with how many eyes were on her.

Noticing her discomfort, her guard moves around to shield her from the many prying eyes and leads her down the steps. Many of the men in the house were unfamiliar faces meaning something was definitely going on.

If the security being beefed up wasn't a hint, then she doesn't know what is.

The men in the hallway step to the side, giving Kalani space to walk but not space to breathe with their eyes still staring her down. She just rolls her eyes and enters the living room where men seemed to run aplenty. In the center of it all, she sees Giovanni sat on one of the seats speaking in rapid Italian to another unfamiliar man.

Everyone was doing their own thing so Kalani decided it was a perfect time to give her security guard a nod for him to leave her before she approaches Giovanni.

His gaze immediately finds her as she bends over the table, pushing her breasts up with her tongue licking a strip over her bottom lip. She grabs a strawberry from the platter of fruits ━ do gangsters eat anything of substance? ━ and while keeping eye contact, she rubs the fruit along her lip before taking it into her mouth.

Giovanni quickly excuses himself from his conversation before stomping over to the woman. He takes hold of her wrist  before pulling her out of the room. He surpasses all of the men in the foyer and enters the kitchen.

He sends a glare to those who had taken up leisure in there before they all moved out, taking small glances at the short girl.

When the room is emptied out and the Italian and the Jamaican are left standing, Kalani turns to the boss, her arms folded across her chest, "Well, good morning to you too."

He wastes no time in pushing her against the counter, "What the hell are you wearing?"

She shrugs, nonchalantly, "Clothes. Problem?"

"Men will not stop looking at you. Go change." He deadpans, narrowing his eyes at her.

Kalani reels back, "What if I like them looking at me, Gio? I'm sure they could finish the job too." She throws out.

A moment passes before Giovanni scowls, "If I wanted to finish the job, I would've. And then some." Her thighs clench as he maintains eye contact, "Go change."

"No," She pushes him away so she can exit his hold, "Why are they all here anyway?"

"Sofia will tell you later." Giovanni's voice is deep as Kalani walks to the fridge and pulls it open. She pushes her ass out so he has a full view. He clears his throat and adjusts himself.

She grabs a vanilla yogurt before turning and closing the door behind her, "Why not just tell me now?" Kalani grabs a spoon from one of the drawers and faces Giovanni who was now leaning on the counter, his arms folded across his chest.

"Because I don't want to." His accent is thick as he watches her dip the spoon into the container and lift it to her mouth, her tongue sticking out to lick the yogurt off.

She moans, "This is so good. You should taste it ━ oops!" The cream-like substance had dropped from the spoon and landed in the valley between her breasts. She uses her finger to wipe it up before bringing it to her mouth, her tongue protruding to lick her entire finger. Her tongue runs from the base to the tip, pulling it out with a pop. She meets his eyes, "Want some?"

He strides to her until the space between them is nonexistent, "Keep playing with me and I will fuck your shit up so hard, you won't be able to walk for months."

Kalani smirks, "I don't doubt it." Suddenly, her hand grips the bulge in his pants, "And I can't wait."

He grabs her wrist, his eyes on her, before sticking the same finger she licked yogurt from on his tongue. He releases her.

"Keep waiting."

She takes his hand into hers and with him now thrown off guard, she pulls him into her, "You know why they call me princess?" She licks her lips and traces her fingers down his chest, "Because I usually get what I want. You're no different, Giovanni."

lmfaoo i hate myselfall this teasinggon make me fight myself

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lmfaoo i hate myself
all this teasing
gon make me fight myself

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