Luffy | Smile

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It was a nice peaceful afternoon on the Thousand Sunny. Nami and Robin sunbathing, with Sanji at their devices, Zoro either training, or napping, Brooke cleaning his violin, Franky hidden in his work space, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp trying to catch fish for the aquarium, and finally, you just hidden in the girls room, frowning.

Letting a deep sigh escape your lips, you rest your cheek on your palm, as you tapped a finger on the table. The sound reverberating against the wood in the silent room, your frown deepens as your brows furrowed.

You were known as the most negative person on the crew, even more negative than Usopp, surprisingly. You joined the crew when they found you at Thriller Bark. You were hiding with the no-shadow victims, since you lost yours just a year ago prior. You were no Devil Fruit user, but a mad scientist who seems to always have a bad outlook on everything. You even doubted the Strawhats to the bones, when Luffy said he'd get everyone's shadows back. Even when you got it back, you still doubted that it'll be the last of Gecko Moria.

Supposedly, Luffy found you intriguing and wanted you on his ship because you can 'make spells'. You may be a mad scientist, but you hardly believe in that sort of magical witch crap, because, of course, your negative outlook on everything. Even though you're a scientist, you're pretty strong with defending yourself, since before your choice of career, you were a delinquent. From a delinquent brat to a mad scientist, was a major path curve for you, but you didn't care. Experiments and studying unknown theories of the world was what made you sane, as one would say.

Heaving another deep sigh, you pushed your chair back, before your slumped form pushed the door open. As the blinding sun hits your (e/c) eyes, you shielded them, grumpily.

"Curse you sun," eyes adjusting, you scowled,"My eyes are going to go blind."

Before taking a step, your body was flown to the front deck of the ship. Body crashing into the mast, you picked yourself up with a stoic face on.

"The he-"

"Y/N-SWAAAN!! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Sanji yelled from above, as he then began scolding Luffy.

Cracking your back, you rubbed your neck,"I wish I wasn't." You muttered.

"OI! Y/n, why aren't you enjoying the sun!?" Luffy exclaimed, as he flung himself next to you.

Boring you're (e/c) hues into his black ones, you're sulken eyes twitches,"Too much sun can damage my skin and then I'll have skin cancer."

Tilting his head, he crossed his arms,"But all of us seems fine?"

Shoulders slouching, you dusted your lab coat, muttering,"For now."

Letting out an unsatisfied grumble, Luffy grabbed your shoulders before you could leave to the dark again,"Why are you so negative!?"

Frowning, you waved your hand,"You can get your answer from Usopp."

"OUI! I HEARD THAT Y/N!!" Usopp yelled from his fishing spot.

Luffy laughing, he held his stomach as he slapped his knees,"Oi! T-that was fu-funny, Y/n! I didn't know y-you can tell a j-joke!"

Raising a brow, you stared at him dumbfounded,"I wasn't."

Luffy kept laughing, causing to grab the attention of everyone else, now with all eyes on you two.

"What's going on?" Nami questioned.

Still holding his stomach, Luffy snorted,"Y/n said t-that, hahaha, if you  want to know, hahahaha, why she's s-so negative t-to ask U-USOPP!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Everyone hearing the reason for his laughter, all laughed along, as Usopp tried defending himself.

You simply just stood there, frown deepening as you just watched them,"I don't understand how that's funny?"

Grabbing your shoulder, Luffy smiled at you,"It's funny because it's true!"

Your frown, now more deeper than it can go, you scoffed,"What's so funny about a truth? I would rather say it'd be pitiful."


Everyone went silent, just Luffy's hat shadowed his eyes.

Raising your brow, you bored stared at him,"What?"

Gripping tighter on your shoulder, Luffy looked up at you with seriousness,"Why don't you smile?"

Eyes and brows twitching, you firmly grasped his wrist,"It's not necessary."

As you try to pry his hand off, his grip stayed firm.

Getting worried, Sanji spoke,"Luffy, you should let her go-"

"It is necessary, Y/n!"

Everyone watched quietly, as Luffy stared at you with a determined look, wanting to convince you.

Letting his hand go, you frowned,"Explain."

Brows knitting, Luffy puts his other hand on your other shoulder,"It's because it makes your day better. You laugh because something is funny, because you're having fun, or when you want to. You can't keep frowning forever. Smiling makes people more happy, so smile."

Tilting your head, you gave a pitiful sigh, knowing you'll have to give in sooner or later,"Fine."

Back into his go-lucky self, he cheered,"HOORAY! Now smile for us, Y/n!"

"Yeah, Y/n! Smile!"(Usopp)
"Smile, Miss Scientist."(Robin)
"YEOW! Smile, Y/n-chan!"(Franky)
"Smile, smile, smile!"(Chopper)
"Smile, I guess."(Zoro)

Straightening your back, you brushed your (h/c) back, letting out a bored sigh,"I'll try," staring at them all, you crossed your arms,"It's been years, so."

All excited, they leaned forward, trying to get a close look at your smile. Lips twitching, they held their breathes, waiting, until you finally did it.

Your lips twitching, you gave an awkward side smile, but genuine.


Everyone cheered, as Luffy wrapped his arms around you, surprising you,"Keep smiling, Y/n! You look happy and pretty, even if it's weird!"

Caught off guard, you're cheeks tinted slightly pink,"Uh..."

Noticing, Luffy showcased your face to the rest of the crew,"LOOK! Y/n is blushing!"

Feeling exposed, your cheeks grew more red, as everyone began complimenting you. Especially Sanji.

Covering your face with your coat, you mumbled incoherent, vulgar words, as they teased you.

Being jerked from your hiding, Luffy's face was inches from yours,"L-Luffy!?"

"Shishishishi," kissing your forehead, he gave you a toothy grin,"Keep smiling, Y/n!"

Having these unknown feelings, you buried your face into his exposed chest. Contemplating your life choices, cursing everyone out, and plotting on how to kill them.

Hearing your words, Luffy couldn't help but laugh, knowing you don't mean it.

Raising a fist up, Luffy cheered,"LET'S CELEBRATE FOR Y/N SMILING!"

Kinda poopoo, but aye it's alright for a first time One Piece oneshot :")

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