Zoro | Precious

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Request by peachy_cheeks_sweet
Info; you're simply short...under Nami's chin short lol


Opening the kitchen door cautiously, you poked your head in, making sure no one was in. Coast cleared, you  made your way in, softly closing the door behind you. Walking to the kitchen, you took out a large pot, setting it on the stove. Turning the stove on, you poured water in the pot, nearly full to the brim. Turning your head to look at the clock, you had a small grin before getting to work.


Closing the lid on the barrel, you wiped sweat from your head. Letting out a sigh, you gave a quick nod of your head in success.

Quickly looking around, you made sure no one was around, before darting up the steps from the food storage room. Softly closing the door, you took a look around once again, before silently walking to your shared room with Nami and Robin.

Right before you reached the door knob, a voice spoke up, spooking you, making you jump.

"Y/n-chan? What are you doing up this early?"

Holding your chest, you let out a shaky sigh,"Oh God," turning around you face your spooker,"Don't scare me like that Brooke-kun!" You whispered yelled.

Letting out a small chuckle, his empty eye socket stared down at you, literally,"Well it's my daily thing to wake the crew with a song," he held up his violin,"Now how about you?"

Fidgeting your feet, you put a finger to your lips,"Don't tell anyone but," pulling his highly taller frame down to yours, you whispered into his ears, well skull.

Mouth agape, he let out a gasp, before chuckling childish. Saluting and then to a bow, he gave a non present smile,"Your secret is safe with me, Y/n-chan. You have my word."

Smiling at him, you both nodded to each other before departing to your devices.

Opening your shared room door slowly, you closed it behind you, until a pair of eyes scared you,"DEAR GOD!" You quietly yelled out, as you held your racing heart,"How many times am I going to be scared today." You mumbled to yourself.

"Why are you up so early, Brewer-chan?"

Walking to the shelf, you pulled out your ingredient book,"Secret..." Opening it, you didn't bother looking up at her,"Well, you already know...stalker."

Chuckling, Robin leaned her cheek on her palm,"I'm simply only curious."

Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a feather pen, scribbling onto the piece of paper,"Don't tell anyone, Robin-san."

Humming, Robin closed her eyes,"Of course."


Everyone now awake and lively, well mostly Luffy and Usopp running around, but everyone was enjoying the peaceful, clear sky day.

Sitting down with Chopper in the front deck, where the Sunny's head was, you both bathed in the sun, as Chopper's herds dried out.

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