Buggy | Tricks and Games

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I can't believe I hadn't written a Buggy oneshot yet 😰 I'm ashamed of myself, for he is my God, my zaddy, the man I worship to be with ✨ also I cried of laughter over the fact that Buggy can also detach his pp and control it wbahhsha who would ask such a thing!?!?


Looking Buggy straight in the eyes, you tightly gripped his hand, as he did back.

Letting out a breath, you glared at him,"You better not be cheating this time."

Smirking at you, Buggy chuckled,"I won't."

"3! 2! 1! START!"

As that word came out, your veins tightened as well as your muscles, as you tightly gripped Buggy's gloved hand. Buggy was smiling at you with mischief as usual.

Clenching your teeth, you were able to move his arm slight to your left,"Heh-"

But before you can celebrate, you felt something tickle your side. Not wanting to look down, you dug your fingernails into his hand, as you gripped the table with your other hand.

Hanging your head down, your face went red, as you tried your best to not let his cheating catch you off guard.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Buggy laughed hysterically,"What's wrong, Y/n!? Are you giving up already!? HAHAAHAHAHAHA!"

Looking up, you glared at him, as your face burned,"Argh!"

Deciding that he won't let up from his cheating tricks, you decided to play dirty as well.

Feeling his detached hand still tickling your sides, you decide to quickly grab it, throwing it to the ground, before stepping on it.

You stared at Buggy, as his cheeks tinted red. You can feel him trying to tug his hand back free, but you kept him tightly trapped.

Sitting straight up, you pressed your chest on the table, exposing your cleavage to him.

Eyes popping out, Buggy choked,"WAAHHACK!"

Smirking, with the most strength you have, you shakily slammed his hand down the table, breaking it. You as well made Buggy fly towards the wall, as he smashed it face first.

Jumping up, you flexed your arms as you cheered,"HAH! I WIN!"

Your crew mates began cheering and congratulating you. Giving your back pats and high fives.

Grabbing Buggy's detached hand that's on the floor, you walked towards him,"Looks like Capt'n Buggy lost. Time for your punishment!"


It was now night time.

You yawned tiredly, as you walked towards your room. Opening the door, you rubbed your eyes, before flicking your lantern off. Taking off your shirt and pants, you hopped onto your cool bed.

Smiling, you knocked out quick.

Stomping down the hall, Buggy grumbled, as his body was soaked from water balloons being thrown at him, during his punishment.

Opening his room door, he threw his hat to the side, before slipping in bed. As he lifted his sheets, his eyes popped out, as he choked in shock.

There he saw you laying in his bed just in your undergarments.

Face red, he kicked you,"WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT!"

Face slamming to the wall, you jumped up angrily,"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR YOU BIG NOSE!"

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