Usopp | Won My Heart

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Boredly turning your head, you stared at past him,"Again?"

Legs shaking, he kept up his brave front,"Yes! Or are you scared, that you'll be defeated by the Great Usopp!"

Raising a bored brow at his words, you stood up from your Sunny patch. Rotating your shoulder, you sighed,"All right."

Usopp swallowed hard, as you two stood by a few feet away from each other. In front of you both, was a small target, waiting to get hit.

Not staring at Usopp, you spoke,"You first."

Sweating, Usopp put on his goggles, readying his slingshot back,"USOPP SPIKE STAR!" (I don't remember what his attacks are called since he had so many, so spare me).

As he released, it hit a few centimeters from the middle target. Pumping a fist, he cheered.

Turning to you, he puffed his chest, lifting his nose high,"Beat that, Y/n! The Great Usopp can never be- WAAAAHHH!!!???"

His eyes and tongue bulged out in shock, as he saw you blow a hole right dead center.

Spinning your pistol with your finger, you blew the smoke away,"58 loses, 1 win," walking away from the area, you brushed past him,"Try harder next time."

Slumping to the ground, Usopp trembled with embarrassment and anger,"Dammit!"



Opening one eye at the sky, you hummed,"You sure?"

Holding a blindfold out to your laying form, he nodded. Cocking a brow, you took it from him, as you stood up.

"We're both going to shoot at the same time, blindly." Usopp stated.

Humming, you covered your eyes, as well as Usopp. This time, there was two targets far in front of you.

Standing next to each other, Usopp shakily counted down,"3...2...1! Shoot!"

At the last countdown, all was heard was your bullet and Usopp's small pebble, whooshing in the air before hitting their target.

Anxiously, Usopp swiftly took his blindfold off, staring at his target, before falling to the ground,"W-what!?"

His was a few inches from the middle, as yours hit dead center again.

Placing your pistol back into its place on your hip,"59 loses, 1 win," you walked pass him again,"Better luck next time."



Slumping onto the dining table, Usopp slammed his face tiredly on the table,"I give up."

The only people around to witness him like that, were Sanji, Nami, Chopper and Luffy.

Raising a brow, Nami stared at him,"Already?"

Sanji sighed, as he cleaned the dishes.

Chopper and Luffy tilted their heads,"Give up on what?"

Nami sighed, turning to the two,"He gave up on challenging Y/n-san."

Both of them shouted loudly, as the leaned towards Usopp.

With a frown, Luffy shouted,"YOU CAN'T GIVE UP!"

Chopper nodding, threw his hands up,"YOU CAN'T LET THE TITLE OF GREAT USOPP GO DOWN!"

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