Luffy | Maniac

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I'm trying to do my best on updating for you guys, but I'm crying over my classes. I'm a junior in high school now, and I'm already failing classes ಥ‿ಥ I swear I'm not stupid! Well maybe I am, since I have an F in  mostly all my classes rn I hate school so much !!
Also,,idk where I was going with this story bwahahah

Info; During Impel Down (a bit different from og)


Hearing a loud crash, you sipped your sake, as you heard your many subordinates running.

Hearing all their footsteps running out, you held your mug up to your face. Tilting it, you stared inside at its contents, as you saw your reflection.

"Y/n! Are you coming?"

Ignoring them, you slowly swirled the liquid,"I wonder if I'll die today..."



The battle with Magellan was crazy. Many of them fighting their best to ascend out. Some life were lost, some injured.

As everyone was escaping out, Iva and  Inazumi were left with Magellan.

Turning to Ina, Iva nodded.

Hearing heels clicking, Ivankov looked behind Magellan, as his eyes widen,"Y-you!"

Pulling your latex gloves on, you walked besides Magellan,"Sadi is useless as usual.."

Grunting, he stared down at your smaller form,"Says you..." Turning to look at Ivankov, he snarled,"Go deal with that scissorhand."

Pulling your guard hat down, you walked a few steps, until Ivankov made his move.

"I won't let you near, Ina and Luffy! DEATH WINK!"

As he jumped and winked at you, your body became heavy, causing a small crater around you.

Eyes wide, Ivankov, jumped back,"H-how-"

Dashing past him, you pulled your arm back, ready to strike the running Inazumi, but you quickly dodged an attacking okama.

Sliding on your heels, you turned towards the giant head okama. Before he can speak, you lunged back to your target.


Walking up the stairs, you passed by fallen bodies of both parties. Pulling your latex gloves off, you dropped them to the floor, as you finally arrived on the floor where all of them are trapped.


Sauntering towards them, you stared blankly at the helpless group,"No one ever escapes her alive."

All turning to you, they all screamed and gasped in fear,"IT'S CRAZY STONE, Y/N! RUN!"

You watched as they all helplessly tried to jump into the ocean.

"Crazy Stone, Y/n?"

Looking at Strawhat, Luffy, you narrowed your eyes at him," Luffy D. Monkey."

Sensing your intent, Luffy stood into battle position,"I'll have to get rid of you too. JET PISTOL!"

Eyes wide, his fist knocked you in the stomach, sending you flying to a wall. As the rubble fell onto you, you easily swatted them off you.

Getting up, you grabbed the fallen pieces, as they began to collect around your fists, into a large stone one.

Holding your fists up, you quickly blocked his punch.

Jumping back, he frowned at you,"I need to end you."

Emotionlessly blinking, you went on defense,"Try."

Gritting his teeth, Luffy began attacking one after the other. You easily blocked them, but had a few hits.

Seeing an opening, you quickly swung at him, making him fly into a few of the escapees.

Sprinting to him, you punched his face, making the ground around him break. But he was able to land a hit on your face at the same time, making you fly into the fallen debris.

Both of you got up slowly.

Clothes battered and ripped, you wobbled, as you slowly stalked to him.

Staring at you with caution, Luffy had his guard up.

As you slowly took each step, the stone around your arm began falling apart as you continued to him.

Standing a few inches away, you stared at the floor with dead wide eyes.

"I need to stop you, Y/n."

Looking up at him, you straightened yourself. Spreading your arms open wide, you had a sick, maniac smile.

The people behind Luffy all cringed and cowards in fear.

With crazed eyes, you laughed psychotically, as you leaned your head back,"HAHAHAHAHAH!!" Bringing it back to look at Luffy, your eyes held insanity,"DO IT!"

Leaning closer to him, arms still wide open, you continued to laugh,"DO IT LUFFY! I'M RIGHT HERE! END ME!"

Staring at you with furrowed brows, Luffy held his head down, shadow covering his eyes,"No more."

Smiling widely, you chuckled,"If you can't kill me, then there's no need to continue your journey."

Fists clenched, Luffy stared intensely at you,"No more!"

Dropping your arms to your side, you stared down at him disgustedly,"I'm disappointed.." walking past him, you walked towards the entrance.

Easily breaking a door with one hand, you threw it into the ocean, as it floated.

Not looking back at Luffy, you stared at the Marine ships,"No more, huh." Chuckling, you frowned,"Get out of my sight before I kill you."

Jinbei, Crocodile, Mr.1 and Buggy all quickly jumped onto the floating wood.

Staring down at them, you scoffed.

Turning around, you shoulder past Luffy,"No more.." continuing past him, you scoffed,"Maniacs like me deserve to be ended, Luffy."

Fist shaking, Luffy bit his lip,"WHY!?"

Stopping in your tracks, you stared ahead of you,"Why what."

Shouting, he turned to look at you,"WHY DO YOU WANT TO END YOUR LIFE SO BADLY!?"

Shadow casting over your eyes, you chuckled.

Staring into the darkness ahead of you, you smiled widely,"Like I said," heels clicking, you continued on,"Maniacs like me...deserve to be ended."

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