Sanji | I'll Wait

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You watched the millionth time, as Sanji fawned over Nami and Robin again.

"Nami-chan, Robin-san! Your drinks miladies!" Sanji happily said, putting their drinks in front of them. They gave him their thanks, as he swooned away.

Dusting your gloved hands, you walked back down the ship. Shaking your head, you shouldered open the door, hearing metals clanging and the sound of nuts being twisted.

"Oi, I need your help right, Y/n."

Sighing, you tied a bandana around your head,"Coming, Franky!" Making sure your hair was out the way, you squatted next to Franky,"What can I be of assistance?"

Grunting, Franky lifted his goggles,"I need some cola," as those words left his lips, his hair flopped to his face. Blowing it, he looked at you,"And could you bring me some barrels of it?"

Nodding, you stood up. Pushing the door open, you walked back up the deck. Heading to the storage room, since it was closer, you pushed the door open. Grabbing two barrels easily, you held them under both your arms. About to head back down, you decided to make a one way trip instead, so you turned around. Walking up the stairs towards the dining room, you used your feet to kick it open. Entering, you spotted Sanji leaning on the counter, smoking, as usual.

Setting the barrels by the door, you walked towards the fridge, catching the Cook's attention,"Evening, Y/n."

Nodding as a greeting back, you opened the fridge, grabbing three colas. Closing the fridge, you held one in your mouth, as you picked up the two barrels under your arms again, remaining colas in hand.

"See you at dinner, Y/n!" Sanji shouted towards you.

Grunting back, you pushed the door open with your back. As the door closed, you walked back down the deck. Pushing the door open, you set the barrels down a few feet away from Franky.

Taking the one cola from your mouth, you handed the three to the cyborg,"Here ya go!"

Snatching them from your hands, he quickly replaced the empty ones. Once fully charged, he howled in delight,"SUPERRR!!" Giving you a thumbs up, he gave a smirk,"Let's get working now!"

Chuckling softly, you nodded. Pulling your gloves, you flexed your fingers, making sure they were comfortably set. Laying on a strolley, you kicked the floor, as you went under the large project Franky was doing. Grabbing a wrench and screw, you helped fixed the underside, as he did the upper parts. The sound of metal clanging, screws being screwed, and parts being welded together filled the quiet room. This went on for an hour or two, until Franky broke the silence.

"Does the bottom need any new parts, or more adjustments?"

Wrenching a bolt, you thought for a second,"Uhmm..." Looking around, you shook your head, as if he would see it anyways,"Nope! It's fine for now, Franky!"

Pulling you out from under, you squinted your eyes from the light. Sitting up, you set the tools you had down, wiping sweat from your forehead.


Turning your head, you caught the beverage,"Really? Cola?"

Laughing, he took a swig,"Of course! It's the best!"

Shaking your head, you laughed as well. Popping the cap off, you took a sip of the fizzy drink. Once it went down your throat, the sugar and carbonation filled your stomach. Not being the most health drink out there, it was quite soothing. Taking another sip, you lazily rested your arms on your thighs. Sighing, you craned your neck back, taking in breaths.

Looking at you, Franky tilted his head,"Something bothering you, Y/n?"

Dropping your head forward, you rubbed your face with one hand,"I don't know. I just.." turning the cola bottle in your hand, you stare at the liquid,"I feel like I'm not treated the same."

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