Marco | My Lil Bird

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Ever since that incident, Marco hasn't been himself lately.

Walking past his room, you stopped in your tracks. Slowly backing up, you turned to his shut room. Raising your fist up to knock it, you hesitated, hand hovering the dark wood door.


Eyes lowering down to the floor, you let out a defeated sigh,"Sorry Jozu," turning to the Diamond Devil Fruit user, you gave a small smile,"I'll stop bothering him now."

Shaking his head, Jozu walked up to you, placing his large hand on your shoulder,"I understand you're worried about him, but," looking at his door, Jozu closed his eyes,"He needs time."

Softly removing his hand, you let out a small sigh,"I know..." Quietly, you walked away,"I know.."


The kitchen was quite rowdy.

A tick mark was on your head, as your angrily turned towards the rowdy men, ladle pointed towards them,"SHUT UP YOU LOSEY MEN! QUIT CHATTING AND KEEP SHOVING THE FOOD I MADE INTO YOUR LOUD MOUTHS!!"

Laughing at you, they happily ate.

"Y/n-san is louder than us!"
"Cute but scary, she is!! Hahaha!!"
"Her food great as always!!"
"She's Thatch's sister! What do expect!"

Hearing his name, your heart pained a bit. Turning to your stove, you carried the large pot of soup.

Walking out the kitchen you smiled widely at the men,"WHO WANTS SECONDS!!"


Carrying the tray of food, you stood infront of Marco's door.

Softly knocking, you spoke quietly,"I brought food, Marco.." not hearing a reply, you set the tray infront of the door,"I'll leave it here. Please eat Marco. Please."

With that, you walked away from his door back into the kitchen.

Arriving to the kitchen, you spotted the mess that these unclean men have left behind. Brushing your hair back, you let out a disappointed sigh.

"They never listen." You murmured to yourself.

Rolling up your sleeves, you began picking up the many plates, bowls, cups and trash. You began washing the dishes first, then moving to wiping the tables and floor, and finally tidying the place up. Placing your hands on your hips, you let out a satisfied sigh.

Leaving the area, you made one last round around the whole ship, as well as greeting the night watchers.

Walking down the dimly lit hall, you arrived to your room. Opening the door, you noticed a figure on your bed. With the small light illuminating through your window, the light lit on a familiar figure.

Quietly shutting your door behind you, you walked towards your work desk, pulling the seat out. Lighting up a candle, you softly pulled out a recipe book from your drawrr. Sitting down, you began on writing down cook recipes and scheduling down the food for all meals the next day and further on.

Eyes glued on your papers and notebook, you heard small movement from your bed.

Not looking up, you continued writing,"Go back to sleep."

Hearing a sigh, he softly spoke,"I can't.."

Turning the page of a recipe book, you hummed,"Then try." Closing it, you stared at your small lit candle,"You need to recover."

Looking up, you saw him sitting up. Raising a brow, you continued to jot down your schedule, ignoring him. It was quiet. All heard was your feather pen moving on paper and the soft breathing from you two.

A few minutes past, until he spoke up,"Can-can you lay with me?"

Raising a brow, you didn't look at him,"You're not a child anymore, Marco."

Hearing a small huff from him, he asked again,"Please, Y/n...lay with me."

Rolling your eyes, you removed yourself from your work. Walking to your bed, you stared at Marco's half shadowed face, before sitting next to him.

Once comfortably next to him, you looked at him,"Now sleep, Marco-"y your body tensed up, as you felt him lay his head on your lap,"M-Marco-"

"Shh," shushing you, he closed his eyes,"I missed being like this with you. I"

Heart throbbing, you remembered how back at your younger days. You remembered back to when everything was fun, lively, and full of adventure. You remembered how you always laid Marco's head on your lap, after every battle, after every injury he had, after...anything, he would just lay on you like this.

Feeling tears prick your eyes, you shakily caressed his head like a mother,"Marco.."


You two were like that for the whole night, until he fully fell soundlessly asleep. He was finally asleep once the sun slowly rose up. As the sun's rays softly illuminate his sleeping visage, you couldn't help but smile.

Softly getting out the bed, to not wake him, you tucked him comfortably in your bed. Resting your blanket above his shoulders, you softly kissed his forehead. Standing up, you walked to your door, opening it quietly.

Looking back at his peaceful face, you chuckled,"Marco," closing the door softly behind you, you head towards the kitchen,"You never changed, my lil bird."

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