Coby | Clueless

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Cleaning up the halls, you hummed to yourself as you mopped away. Swaying a bit, you danced as you cleaned up every nook and cranny any dirt and dust may be evident in the facility.

Hearing footsteps, your boss came towards you,"L/n, your shift is over. Go take a break."

Saluting to him, you gave him a cherry smile,"Yes sir!"

Him leaving with a small smile, you happily hummed away, as you strolled your supplies away. Opening the supplies closet, you neatly put away the cleaning supplies. Slipping your gloves off, you flexed your fingers as they took in the fresh air. Closing the closet, you turned around, to see the usual sight out the window.

Making your ways to the window, you peered outside to only laugh. What was beyond that glass outside, was a pinkette and blonde getting beat up by the Hero Garp.

Chuckling, you turned away to get out there. Walking down the halls, you turned a few corridors, before reaching an exit. Pushing the door open, you smiled happily, as a whoosh flew right past your face.

"Y-Y/n-sama! Are you okay!?"

Still smiling, you closed your eyes,"Did something happen, Coby-senpai?"

Hearing the title you gave him, made him blush and flustered,"A-ah! No need to call me s-senpai, Y/n-sama!"

Opening your eyes, your (e/c) orbs stared into his black ones,"Then no need to call me sama."

Cheeks puffing, his shoulders went high up, stiff. About to protest, a booming voice was heard.

"Coby! Get back here right now! You're not done yet!"

Slowly going back to himself, he turned to Garp, saluting,"Yes, Garp sir!"

You watched as he jogged back to where Garp and his blonde friend was. Sighing, you turned around to see a sword laying on the floor. Reaching down, you picked it up, carrying it back to it's original place, before nearly stabbing you.

As you stuck the sword back in the barrel with the others, a silver speck whooshed pass your nose, as you still looked down the barrel.

"Not again! Garp, be careful! You almost hit, Y/n-sama!"

Laughing loudly, Garp held his stomach,"That girl is perfectly fine! Look, she's unbothered, and didn't flinch the second time!"

Looking over at you, Coby stared at your happy aura, as you arranged the swords.

Sighing in relief, Coby held a hand to his chest,"Thank God."

"You don't think she can protect herself, Coby?"

Looking up scared, Coby waved his hands around frantically,"No, no, no, Garp! I-I just...I..."

Raising a brow, Garp crossed his arms,"You what?"

Swallowing hard, he looked away,"I just want her safe." He muttered.

Clicking his tongue, Garp snapped his fingers,"Y/n. Get over here!"

Hearing your name, you obediently went to Garp's side,"Yes, Garp-senpai?"


Scratching your cheek, cheekily, you stuck a tongue out,"But you're not even my grandpa, Garp-senpai."

Flustered, he cleared his throat,"Mhm. Y/n, I want you to spare with Coby."

"EHH!!?" Surprised, Coby stared at you in shock, as you happily obliged,"What!? But I don't want to fight a girl, overall Y/n-sama!?"

Chuckling, Garp stared down at Coby,"Are you underestimating her?"

Embarrassed again, he shook his head,"Of course not! It's just...I can't hit girls!!"

As those last words left his mouth, he felt a sharp shock bouncing through is bones. Flying back a few meters, he crashed onto his back, spurting out blood. Groggily getting to his feet as the dust cleared, he saw you with your two fists together in a double punch manner.

Eyes wide, he choked on his words,"Y-Y/n-s-sama?"

Straightening up, you stared at him with a serious look,"Never look down an opponent, especially a female."

Coughing, Coby held his stomach, staggering,"Y/n-sa-"

Eyes widening, you were quick to approach him, aiming another double shock punch to him. Coughing, he managed to stumble to the side in time, just as the shock wave hit the building behind from afar, leaving a crater. Gasping in shock, the pinkette looked over at you, as you appeared before his eyes again. In fear, what he saw was a deadly look in those beautiful (e/c) orbs he adored.

Left fist far back, you got ready to punch him in the face, until he shouted something, covering his face with his arms.


Eyes wide, your mouth formed a straight line, as your fist was mere inches from breaking his face. Your eyes bore through his arms, awaiting for him to repeat himself. But with no reply, you inhaled deeply, before reaching your left fist back again.

Just before you striked again, Coby took the opportunity to tackle you to the ground. Grunting, he managed to pinned you down, one arm on your throat, as his knees pinned your arms down.

Breathing hard, Coby stared down at you with victory in his eyes,"I-I win, Y/n-sama."

As Coby smiled in triumph, it slowly faded, as your eyes were shadowed. Your lips held a firm straight line, not moving.

Worried, Coby cautiously lessened his hold on you,"Y/n-sama? You ok- GAAH!"

Before finishing, you lifted your leg up, hooking his neck, as he choked on air. Pushing his body to the side, you held him in a chokehold, quickly, as he tried to get up. Holding him, you felt him try to pry your arms away.

"Never let your guard down." You stated, as Coby tapped your arm in defeat.

Releasing him, Coby held his throat, wheezing and coughing for air. Standing up, you stared at his back, as Garp and the blonde approached.

Garp, laughing proudly, patted your back,"Good job, Y/n!"

Reverting back to your happy self, your eyes gleamed,"Really, Grandpa Garp!?"

Feeling his heart getting pulled, he clenched his chest, as he fell to the ground on all three,"C-cute!"

Smiling dumbly, you blinked a few times,"Grandpa Garp?"

Hearing those words again, Garp ignored you, as he was having his own heart felt moment.

"Bro, you alright, Coby?"

Turning around, you watched as the blonde kneeled besides Coby.

Tilting your head you squatted infront of the pinkette,"You like me?"

Staring up at you red, he stammered,"! Wait-yes! No-yes...I-"

Giggling softly, you smiled at him,"I like you too."

Coby beamed with excitement, but faltered as he got gloomy at your words.

"Because we're subordinates!" You cheerfully exclaimed.

Coby stared down at the ground all gloomy, as the blonde tried reassuring him.

Laughing at them, you happily skipped your way away, as your shift was soon to be started again soon.

As your form disappeared, Coby looked up at where you headed, with a loving smile,"You really are clueless, Y/n-sama."

Meep moop this story kinda wonky to me idk why...maybe cause it's also everywhere, so inconsistent lolol so I guess that'll do :")

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