Ace | Burning Heart

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Ace couldn't understand why he's been having these burning sensations in his chest lately. He couldn't pin the point of what was the cause. But one thing he did know, was that when he got injured and went to the doctor to get patched up, his chest would burn up. He never wanted to bring it up, but today he needed to get it out, as it has been going for three days now.


Letting out a sigh, Ace marched his way towards the doctors office. Opening the door, he saw many other of his crew mates there.

Frowning, he went up to Marco,"What's going on?"

Staring at him, Marco shrugged,"I have no clue. I just came along, since I heard that there's a new doctor and they got a Devil Fruit Power."

Raising a brow, Ace turned towards the group of men,"How come we didn't here about this when they arrived?"

Shrugging again, Marco sat up,"I guess Father wanted it on the low for now, since they're new. Plus, I hadn't even seen their face yet."

Getting curious, Ace shoved his way threw the men,"Out the way, boys!"

As they cleared, Ace stumbled forward, face planting onto something soft. Blinking, Ace unconsciously began groping whatever the softness was.

Hearing a bunch of gasps and protesting, Ace looked up, blinking a few times.

What his eyes saw was a (s/c) girl, with (e/c) eyes. Her (h/c) (h/l) hair sitting on her head, as she stared back at him with a stoic face.

"Enjoying them?"

Blinking, Ace stared down to his hands, before his eyes bulged out. Letting out a shriek, he retracted his hands, holding them, as his face flushed red, when his crew mates began laughing at him.

Cheeks burning, Ace turned to the mates,"S-shut up! At least I touched them!"

As they kept laughing, Ace frowned, before laughing along with them.


Making his way towards the doctors office, politely knocked, earning a small enter. Ears burning, Ace opened the door, to see you working on some papers.

Not even turning to look at him, you kept on working,"Need something, Ace?"

Approaching you, Ace swallowed hard,"Uh, yeah. I have a question."

Nodding, you pointed to the bed next to your desk,"Sit."

Obeying, he sat on the soft white mattress. He stared at your face, admiring your every features, from hair to lips. As he kept staring in dream Land, you had already turned to him, cheek resting on your fist.

"What's the question, Ace?" You asked, staring at his freckled face with a waiting face.

Clearing his throat, Ace scratched the back of his head,"So, I keep feeling these burning sensations in my chest lately, for three days now. Do you possibly know what's going on with me?"

Intrigued, you opened you palm out to him,"Give me your left hand."

Confused, Ace nodded, giving you the wanted hand.

Softly holding it, you placed two fingers by his pulse,"What are you feeling right now?"

Cheeks tinting, Ace pouted like a child,"I feel hot, my chest hurts, it keeps beating fast when I look at someone, and I just want to touch that person." He said the last two quietly.

Removing your hand to his bare chest, Ace burned up more, as his powers began burning his body slowly.

Feeling his heart, you gave a small smile,"Your in love."

Staring at you, Ace blushed harder,"I-In love!? No, I must be sick!?"

Removing your your hand, you turned to your papers again,"The heart never lies, Ace."

Frowning in disappointment, Ace folded his arms,"I have another question."

Writing, you hummed,"Yes?"

Exhaling, Ace stared at you,"I heard you also have a Devil Fruit Power, what is it?"

Chuckling, you still kept at your work,"I have the Shinzō Shinzō no Mi(Heart Heart Fruit)."

"What does it do?"

Turning to Ace, you placed a finger on your lips,"You said another question, not two Ace." You teased.

Steam emitting from his body, he simply stood up, and marched away. You could only laugh at his childish act.

Leaving the room, Ace held onto his hat, before making his way to Father. Appearing before him, Ace stared up at him.

Looking down at him, Whitebeard chuckled,"What is it, my son?"

Rubbing his nose, Ace questioned him,"What is that doctor's power?"

Eyes wide, Whitebeard simply laughed,"Curious now are we?"

Exhaling, Ace frowned,"Just curious, is all."

Staring at him with half lidded eyes, he grinned,"I supposed she already told you that it's called Shinzō Shinzō no Mi."

Nodding, Ace stood there, awaiting,"What does it do?"

Sighing, Whitebeard placed his cheek on his fist,"She can basically detect people's heart beats, pulse, and control it, such as stopping your heart. She can even understand people's emotions, just through your heart, by touching your chest. Quite frightening I'd say, if you're trying to hide something from her!"

Brows raised, Ace tilted his head,"How can it be that frightening? She isn't as strong as I suspected then."

"Don't underestimate her, Ace."

Shivering, Ace simply pouted,"Yes Father."

"Good," smiling, he dismissed him with a wave,"Now, off you go."

Tipping his hat, Ace turned around to go to his devices. Feet trailing on their own, he found himself face to the door he just left from earlier. Puffing his cheeks, he opened the door, to find Marco talking to you. He watched as your laughed softly at whatever that pineapple head said. Fists clenched, his body began heating up.

Detecting a deep heart beat, you turned towards the door,"Oh, hello again, Ace."

Hearing your voice, it washed away the feelings he just had. Shaking his head, he gave you a big smile,"Hey! What are you guys talking about?"

Sitting besides Marco, who let out a groan of annoyance, shoved his face away,"None of your business."

Teeth gritting, Ace shoved back,"Aye, don't touch me, pineapple head!"

You sat there, watching as they bickered back and forth like a married couple.

Giggling, you leaned towards them,"How cute."

Both turning to you, as they were holding each other's faces, they looked at each other confused, before blushing and removing from each other.

Crossing his arms, Marco looked away,"Hmph."

Ace chuckling, rubbed his nose,"Hehe, I know I am!"

Laughing, you stared at Ace,"What's brought you here again?"

Feeling a boost of confidence out of nowhere, he grabbed your hands,"BE MINE!"

Marco flinched at the loud burst, as you laughed loudly at his loud request.

Leaning to his face, you smiled,"Why not."

Smiling widely, Ace jumped up, celebrating,"Yes!"

Marco turned to you, sweat dropping,"Are you sure you can handle him?"

Giggling, you smiled at Marco, winking,"I'm a doctor, I can handle any patient."

This one was rushed, and kinda out of no where pretty awkward so I guess that'll do :")

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