Kaku | Just Curious

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Slamming your room door open, your face fumed in anger, as you looked around for that wretched bubble woman. Stomping out, you went towards the living room, slamming that double door wide open.

Looking around, you panted angrily,"Where's that wicked woman!" You hissed angrily.


"WHAT!?!?!?!?" You angrily shouted at whomever said you name. But when you took a good look, you calmed down a bit, but still fuming in anger,"It's just you, Kaku."

Staring at you with his beady eyes, he sipped his tea,"Why're you shouting?"

Anger fueling again, you pointed out your outfit, waving your hands up and down your body,"THIS!! THIS, is why I'm shouting!!!"

Raising a brow, his eyes scanned you up and down, before realizing the state you were in. Spitting his beverage out, he began a coughing fit, as his face was red, nearly having a bloody nose. You were dressed just like Kalifa, but instead of a skirt, you had on short shorts, a cropped tank top, exposing too much of your chest.

Clearing his throat, he put his fist against his mouth, as he tried to not keep staring,"I-I see."

Oblivious of his state, because of your anger, you scowled,"Where is that damn bubble hag!!?"

Composing himself, he shrugged,"I best assume with Lucci."

Turning on your heels/shoes, you dashed down the hall. Close to a turning corner, you skidded around it, before dashing towards the office where the two would always sit in. In high speed, you pumped your arms before jumping up, kicking the double doors down, breaking it off the hinges.

"KALIFA!! YOU DIRTY WITCH!!" You shouted, as you landed on your feet.

Pushing her glasses up with her gloved hands, she stared at you,"What's the problem, Y/n?"

Stomping to her, you jabbed a finger on her breasts,"You messed with my wardrobe again, didn't you!?"

"I don't know what you mean," eyeing her eyes on your body, she smirked,"I think you look better in this than what you usually wear."

Gritting your teeth, you grabbed her jacket,"How many times do I have to tell you that we're the only fenales here!"

Moving your hands from her, she adjusted her glasses,"I see no problems to that."

Resisting the urge to strangle her, you clenched your fists, letting out an angry sigh,"Fine. Fine," patting her shoulder, you turned away,"I'm just going to stay quiet."

You 'calmly' walked from the room, walking towards Jabra's room to meditate. When arriving by the door, you angrily screamed, throwing air punches and gripping the air, as if it was Kalifa's throat in your grasp. Smoothening your hair back, you opened the dog man's room, hearing the sound of a fountain running. A calming place, where you'd always go to. Walking in, you took a seat on the grassy patch, by the small river. Sitting cross legged, you placed your hands on your thighs. Inhaling slowly, and exhaling, you closed your eyes, savoring the calm air and peace you finally had. Taking another breath in and out, you heard footsteps.

"Ah, you're here again, Y/n."

Humming, you kept your eyes shut,"Yup."

Hearing a sound besides you, you felt a breath hitting your cheeks,"What happened this time?"

Grumbling, your brows twitches,"Kalifa. Kalifa happened, Jabra."

Letting a bellowing laugh, he wiped tears,"Let me guess, your outfit!?"

Jabra then fell onto his back, holding his stomach as he kicked the air laughing his ass off.

Tilting your head slightly in irritation, you stood up,"Keep laughing, mutt face, or I'm going to skin you."

Slapping his knees, he stared at you,"You wouldn't."

Walking out the room, you gave it a good slam shut, before walking away from the stinky canine. Holding yourself for warmth, you decided to just go relax back in the living room. Rubbing your arms, you walked in the room, taking a seat. Shivering from the cold touch of the couch, you leaned your head back.

"You okay, Y/n?"

Waving your hand, you grunted,"No," sitting up, you leaned on your legs, rubbing your arms again,"I don't get how that witch isn't cold, dressed like this?"

Chuckling, Kaku sipped his tea,"You get used to it, I suppose," raising a brow at you, he tilted his head,"Why not just go change?"

Pouting, you stared up into his eyes,"She hid all my clothes, or left scandalous ones behind."

Nodding his head, he crossed his legs,"I see."

As he took a sip, he felt a presence besides him. Looking, he noticed you were leaning on him. Flushing red, he adverted his eyes from staring at your chest and exposed legs.

Hiding his face, he looked away,"What are you doing?"

Sighing, you looked up at him,"I'm cold and your all warm since you're nicely covered up!"

Nodding, Kaku remained quiet, leaving you two to sit in silence, until you broke the silence.

"Hey, Kaku."

Humming, he looked at you from the corner of his eyes. Once he did, he was shocked and getting all flustered. You leaned to his face, making him lean back into the arm rest, getting pinned, nowhere to escape.

Gulping, he looked away from your gaze,"Y/n, w-what are you doing?"

Holding the rim of his hat, you lifted them slightly,"What's your favorite animal?"

Thrown back by that question, he blinked up at you face,"Fa-favorite animal?"

Nodding, you curiously stared into his eyes,"Yeah. Everyone has one."

Sitting up, he rubbed his neck, embarrassed,"I don't know. It's kind of a childish choice."

Sitting in front of him, you smiled,"I won't make fun of you. Tell me."

Giving you one last look, he sighed,"G-giraffes.."

Not hearing him, you leaned closer,"What was it?"

Ears red, he sunked into his jacket,"Giraffes. I like them."

Eyes squinted in a smile, you got off the couch, patting his hat covered head,"I see. Thank you for sharing that with me, Kaku."

Turning around to look at your back, he stood up as well,"W-why did you want to know about something so irrelevant about me?"

Placing your hands behind your back, you smiled at him,"Just curious~"

As he watched you walk away, his heart began beating. Holding his chest, he gave a deep frown, as his cheeks tinted red at remembering your looks and everything, every little detail that he never noticed that he would look at. As he was in thought, he was brought back when he heard your voice.


Chuckling, he smiled, thinking to himself. Maybe I'm just curious, Y/n, but you might have stole my heart.

Kaku is my favorite CP9 character, he's so simple looking, and my heart broke when he sad those sad lines when he got defeated like he ughhh he really enjoyed working with Galley La :'(

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