Iceburg | My Dream

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Stepping off the train, you held your large sun hat, as the smell of the ocean hits your nose. Breathing in, you watched as the many civilians walk around, talking, laughing, and getting on or off the steam train.

Looking around, you carried your suitcase, as your boots clicked on the pavement. Walking out the station, you finally saw the beautiful civilization that you've come to love. Feeling a warmness on your chest, you puffed your chest out and let out a happy sigh, as your had a smile graced on your lips.


You found yourself at an old abandoned building. Pushing the door open, you stared at the place. It looked to have been recently been through some damages. You noticed a couch and broken table. Walking over to it, you traced your hand on the item. Hearing a small flutter sound, you looked up to see a broken down door. Heading towards the room, you touched the door, feeling sad that such a thing happened to it. Turning your head, you had a sick smile on your face. You felt sick.

Everything was trashed.

Tracing your hand on top of each desk, you stared at the name tags that each belonged to, until you finally reached yours. Caressing the wooden surface, you opened the top, to see everything you had there was gone. You still had your sick smile on, as you softly closed the top.

Taking one more look around the room, you took in a breath. You didn't know what happened here, but all you could do was guess the worse.


Boots hitting the stone pavement, you unknowingly found yourself staring and standing in front of a large door with a number one on it.

Blankly staring at it, you hadn't notice someone calling for your attention, until you felt a hand in your shoulder.

"Excuse me, miss? You alright?"

Turning your head, you saw a blonde gruff looking man, with a cigar in mouth and goggles on head.

Giving him a sweet smile, you nodded,"I'm fine. Just felt attracted to this place for some reason."

Nodding, his cheeks blushed pink,"I'm Paulie and I work here. This section of town is known for being the best shipwright workers and the strongest. Galley La, is what it's called."

Humming, you turned to look back at the door,"Mind if I take a look around?"

Surprised, he rubbed his neck,"I don't know. It's mostly of men, so I don't know how they'll react to just a single female coming in- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Paulie shouted at you, but you were already at the front of the doors. Putting a hand on it, you easily pushed it open, as Paulie's eyes bulged out his head, shocked and amazed, yet also terrified that a single person, a female at that, could with ease open the large doors.

Turning to Paulie, you gave him a smile,"Care to show me around, Paulie-sama?"


You both walked around the place, as he pointed out everything to you. Each section and there duties in each part.

As you both passed a group of men blueprinting, they caught your attention, as you heard them yelling and grumbling.

Noticing your silence, Paulie turned around,"Ah, don't mind them. They're always like that. They work on the blueprints and layouts for the ships, but sometimes they lack the details and certain standards."

Humming, you didn't look at Paulie, but kept your eyes at the group,"Excuse me for awhile, Paulie-sama."

Raising a hand to stop you, you were already making your way towards the group.

Arriving to the bunch, you stood at an empty spot, peering down at the large patch of paper, with terrible scribbles, lines, numbers, letters, everything.

Studying the paper a little longer you spoke up,"You bunch need more training, if you can't even make a simple blueprint."

Paulie watched from afar, as he saw the men talk and say something to you, but he couldn't hear. Crossing his arms, he watched with interest, until his boss arrived.

Turning to his boss, he bowed slightly to him,"Evening, Iceburg. What brings you here this early?"

Petting his mouse, Iceburg hummed,"Mm...I heard there's a female and causing a small delay of work. I came to see for myself."

Pointing a thumb at your direction, Paulie sighed,"Well, she is at the blueprint section. Care to look if you want, Iceburg."

Nodding, the blue haired man, made his way over. Within a few feet, he spotted a someone wearing a large sun hat. They had on a button up shirt, loose fitted pants, and boots on. Curious, he stood behind the figure, peering down at the work.

"Mm...that's very detailed." Iceburg said, but rose a brow,"You seem to have forgotten the head of the ship."

"It's because the ship chooses the head, not me."

Eyes slightly wide at that comment, he backed off away from you,"H-how do you know those words? Only she would say something like that?" He mumbled the last parts.

"The ship chooses its own identity. Just like how a person chooses to present themselves, Iceburg-san."

Hearing your voice better, Iceburg was in shock,"Are're really Y-Y/n...right?"

Turning around, you still held the smile on your face,"The one and only."


You watched as he placed around his office, making you chuckle,"Why so nervous, Icey-chan?"

Blushing at the pet name, he turned to you,"It's just..." Brushing his hair back, he sighed,"You're here."

Walking up to him, you held his cheek,"I'm sorry I left," caressing it, you smiled softly,"I had to."

Letting out another sigh, he hesitantly held you close,"I-I missed you...Y/n-chan."

Giggling, you nuzzled your face to his chest,"I know...I did as well." Looking up to his face, you had a nervous smile,"Is Franky alright?"

Looking off to the side, he chuckled,"He fulfilled his dream."

Beaming up, you laughed happily,"I'm glad," grabbing his face, you made him stare at you,"Now we all fulfilled our dreams."

Giving you a grin, he chuckled,"Not all."

Blinking confusedly, you tilted your head,"Did you not fulfill yours yet, Icey-chan?"

Blushing more, he held your cheek,"Well...she ran I couldn't complete it."

Placing your hand on top of his that was on your cheek, you gave him a sympathetic smile,"It's alright. I'm here to help you. Whoever she was, was probably was selfish. Haha."

Chuckling as well, he held you closer,"She definitely was but..." Kissing your forehead, he smiled,"She had her reasons."

Melting into his touch, you stared into his eyes,"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I left you."

Letting out a sigh, he rubbed his thumb on you cheek,"It doesn't matter now...You're here. That's all that matters to me, Y/n-chan."

Both leaning into each other, you both connected lips. Perfectly fitting to each other. Like missing puzzle pieces that finally got connected to complete each other. Iceburg had on hand on your cheek, as the other wrapped around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, turning your head to deepen it. After long seconds later, you both parted, breathing quietly.

Giving him another kiss, you smiled, feeling found and complete,"I love you...alot, Icey-chan."

Chuckling, he placed his forehead on yours,"I'm glad you do, because " Holding you tight but still lovingly, he let out a sigh of relief,"My dream just came true."

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