Ace | Connect The Dots

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Request by peachy_cheeks_sweet
Info; you have freckles


Looping your arm around Marco's, you pulled him along to a quiet spot.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He questioned, as he let you drag him.

Looking around to make sure no one was around, you placed a finger to your lips,"Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to pull a prank on Ace!" You whispered yelled to him.

Cocking a brow, he crossed his arms in interest,"Oh, what are you gonna do?"

Giggling like a child, you pulled out a marker,"I'm going to connect his freckles!"

Stifling a chuckle, he just shook his head in 'disappointment',"I thought you'd do better."

Gasping, you frowned,"That's mean!"

Ruffling your hair, he just walked away giving you a thumbs up.

Smiling, you went to go find your victim.

Walking around, you soon spotted a small flash of a cowboy hat. Smiling widely, you went towards that direction. Turning a corner, you spot Ace sitting down, eating a popsicle. It was definitely pretty hot, but you kind of question him, since he was suppose to be used to the heat.

Shrugging that thought off for now, you tapped his shoulder,"Ace?"

Turning around, he stared at you with a bright demeanor. Holding his ice treat, he smiled,"Hello, Y/n."

Sitting down next to him, you stared at his treat,"I thought you'd be used to the heat?"

Chuckling, he just shrugged,"I have my limits...I think."

Giggling, you just stared at his freckles,"You think? Come on, you're literally a fire boy!"

Blushing, he grinned,"So you're calling me hot, eh?"

"Pfft!" Rolling your eyes, you still stared at his freckles,"You wish I said that."


Humming, you didn't look up to him,"Yes, Ace?"

"Why do you keep staring at my freckles?"

Giving a small smile, you finally looked into his eyes,"They're pretty."

Blush growing, he licked his ice treat,"You have them, too."

Chuckling, you placed your chin on your palm,"So you're calling me pretty?"

Letting out a chuckle, he grinned,"Maybe... maybe not! Who knows!"

You both laughed, until he suddenly slammed his face into the floor.

Letting out a sigh, you turned him onto his back. You watched as he snored away, still holding his icy treat perfectly up.

Rolling your eyes, you pulled out your marker, taking the lid off. Being as cautious as possible, you softly and quickly connected his freckles. Once you finished, you moved back a bit, admiring your artwork.

Holding in a laugh, you quickly put the marker away, and quietly walking off.


"Did you really do it, Y/n?"

Swallowing your food, you gave him a thumbs up,"Of course! I never back away from my pranks!"

Shaking his head, Marco drank his beverage,"How long has he been sle-"


Choking on your food, you watched as Ace bursted into the dining room, angry. Hiding your face, you tried to calm down your chokes and laughter.

Hearing your surpress laughs, Ace stomped towards you,"Did you do this!?"

Clearing your throat, you stared at him with the most serious face you can,"No. Why would I?"

Red, he pointed a finger at you,"Because you were the last person I was with, before I knocked out!"

Shrugging your shoulders, you turned away from him,"No clue. Sorry, fire boy."

Gritting his teeth, he spotted something in your back pocket. Grabbing it, he smirked, as you turned around gasping.

Staring up at him, you frowned,"What are you doing?"

Waving the marker in your face, he chuckled,"So you did do it."

Brows creasing, you held your hand out for the marker,"Give it back."

Smirking, he stared down at you,"You're not denying it."

Ears burning, you stood up,"Give it."

Shaking his head, he still held that damn smirk,"Not unless you call me hot~"

Hearing your crewmates whistling and cheering, your body grew warm.

Gritting your teeth, you grabbed his hat strings that were around his neck. Shock, Ace was going to ask you to let go, until he felt something soft on his lips. Eyes wide, he was stunned to do anything, as his crewmates wolf whistled louder and cheered.

Removing your lips from him, you smirked,"See ya, Ace!"

Blinking confused, he watched as you ran away,"Wha-what?"

Snickering, Marco pointed at his face,"Got a lil something there, fire boy."

Blinking again, someone handed him a hand mirror. Looking at his reflection, his face flushed red. He now hand more scribbles on his cheeks and more sloppy lines connecting. Body heating up, he yelled at the top of his lungs.


Running out the room, flames following after, he began his hunt for you.

"DON'T PLAY CONNECT DOTS ON ME!" You yelled, from somewhere.

Jaw clenched tight, he began to grow more hotter and angry by the second. Ace began to somewhat trash and rampage the place looking for you.

Sighing, Marco shook his head,"What a mess."

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