Luffy | Lover's Quarrel

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"Luffy, just give it to me."


Puffy your cheeks out, you angrily glared at your lover's face, as he did the same back. Your (e/c) orbs glared deep into his dark coal ones, making the tension in the room thicken, every second. Not even a knife can cut it.

Sweating, Usopp nervously rubbed his hands together, turning to his captain,"S-so, Luffy! Let's go fi-EEK!"

Usopp jump in fear, as he watched Luffy slam the table with his fist, still glaring at you,"Maybe later, Usopp."

Gulping, Usopp turned to shrug at the others.

Rolling her eyes, Nami tried to place a comforting hand on your shoulder,"Y/n-chan! Let's go- EEK!"

Jumping back, Nami screamed, as you glared at her,"Maybe later, Nami-san."

Turning you burning gaze back at your lover, you let out a small grunt, as you watched him stuff his face with meat, while still maintaining eye contact.


Arms crossed over your chest, you glared at the back of Luffy's head, as you stood by Franky, who was steering to go to the next island.

Glancing at you, Franky looked back ahead,"What's up with you two?"

Humming, you still glared at the strawhat,"Nothing."

Raising a brow, Franky just let it go.


Reaching the island, the Thousand Sunny stopped by a small ship dock. Everyone, one by one, left to go buy whatever they needed. Except for Zoro, he's currently napping.

Jumping of from the ship, you ignored the direction Luffy went, and went the opposite direction.

You aimlessly walked around, until you found a fabric shop. Mood lifting up, you quickly stride your way to the shop door.

Opening the door, a small jangle of bells rang, alerting the owner of your presence.

"Welcome, miss! Feel free to look around, and if you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask me!"

Looking at the owner of the voice, you saw a bright, small young boy. He looked to be the age of 10.

Smiling, you gave a small nod at him,"Will do!"

As he gave a smile back, you turned to look at the many assortments of fabrics, needles, and many more! Your mood finally has been lifted, as you happily browsed through the place, grabbing a few essentials, and anything else that seemed necessary.

Carrying your items to the register, you set it on the counter,"How much for this?"

Looking at the young boy, he smiled at you,"That'll be 800 beli!"

Grabbing your wallet, you handed him 100 beli,"Keep the change, young man!"

Eyes wide and sparkling, he gratefully bowed at you,"Thank you miss!"

Face softening, you giggled,"No problem, now," taking your bagged items, you headed out,"Take care, young man!"

"You too, miss!"

Chuckling, the door shut behind you, as you headed back towards the Thousand Sunny. As you were walking there, you noticed a flash of red and yellow. Eyes wide, your brows scrunched down, as you noticed who it was. About to yell at him, you heard running footsteps and voices behind. Turning around, your eyes widened, as you quickly hugged your items, booking it.


Hearing them call your name, sent shivers down your spine, as you ran as fast as you can down towards where the Sunny docked.

Upon reaching it, you leaped from a few yards away, onto the Sunny's deck, startling the other that arrived before you.

"Y/n!? What are you doing, jumping around!?" Nami said, as she recovered from the scare.

Dropping your items by your feet, you pointed your thumb behind you,"Marines are here!" You said, in between breaths.

Shrieking, Nami, Usopp and Chopper began to run around, preparing to part.

Turning around, you spotted the others,"ROBIN! BROOK! FRANKY! SANJI! MARINES ARE HERE, SO GET ON!"

Saying what in unison, they quickly hopped onboard.


Sitting at the dining table with the others, you couldn't help but feel more irritated than earlier.

Sensing your mood changing, Robin looked up at you,"Y/n, are you alright?"

Hiding your face with both your hands, you grumbled,"Yeah, yeah."

Humming, Robin went back to reading and drinking her tea.


Now you remember why.

Slamming your hands down onto the table, you angrily glared at Luffy,"Luffy!"

Looking at you, for less than a second, he went back to talking to Chopper and Usopp.

Anger boiling, you reached over the table, grabbing his neck.

"ACK-" Trying to free his neck from your grasp,"Leh meh goo!"

Angrily shaking him, your eyes flamed up,"Why can't you just let me fix your shirt! Is that too much to ask, you pea brain monkey!"

The others watched in shock. The whole time you two been ignoring each other was just because Luffy had denied you from sewing his shirt!?

Facepalming, Nami angrily gritted her teeth,"This whole quarrel, OVER A SHIRT!"

Letting go of Luffy's neck, you turned to Nami,"What else would we be mad at each other for?"

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed,"I thought you two had a big argument, like couple stuff, but it was all over a shirt."

Rolling your eyes, you pointed your thumb towards Luffy's direction,"You see that shirt?" Frowning, your face contorted in disgust,"He hasn't cleaned, nor had it tailored for over 3 months now, of course I'll be mad at him for that!"

Raising a brow, Nami stared at you in disbelief,"Seriously?"

Throwing your hands up defending yourself, you shrugged,"This man takes like a bath like every one or two weeks! Hygiene matters!"

Frowning, Luffy stuck his tongue at you,"I DON'T LIKE BATHS! BLEEH!"

Eye twitching, you wanted to punch him,"No matter how many times I tell him to bathe and get his clothes clean, HE NEVER DOES!"

You were kicking at Luffy's direction, as Nami held you back from beating him,"Calm down!"

"I'll never take a bath! You're not my mom!" Luffy made a face at you, as he bite a piece of meat.

Anger rising, you rose your fist at him, as you two began arguing at each other like little kids. Nami held you back the best as she could, asking Sanji and Usopp to maintain Luffy as well. You two bickered at each other across the table, as your friends either watched is disbelief or afraid from getting caught in the flying fists and kicks.

Smiling to herself, Robin sipped her tea, as she flipped her page,"Hm, so this is what a lover's quarrel."

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