Zoro | Repair It For Me

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The chimes softly rang, as the door opened.

Not looking up from your work, you sharpened the weapon in your hands,"Hello, how may I help you?"

Hearing grunts and laughter in reply, shuffling sounds approached from behind,"Just fix them. We'll be back at soon, now get working."

Loud clanging sounds were heard, as a few swords were thrown onto your counter. Hearing the chimes ring again, the men laughed as they left your shop.

Setting the weapon down on your work table, you turned around to get the items the men left. Grabbing the swords, you can only examined how careless they used them. Rolling your eyes, you went to the back of your shop, working on them.


"Oi! Zoro! Where are you going?" Luffy exclaimed, as he bit off a piece of meat.

Pushing the bar door open, Zoro turned to look at his Captain,"I'm going to find a swordsmith."


Turning back around, Zoro walked down the streets of the cities. Looking left and right, he spotted a smith shop.

Approaching, he spoke to the owner at the counter,"How much for a repair?"

The man looked up at Zoro,"Seeing you have three swords, it'll be 50,000 beli."

Grumbling, Zoro thanked him before turning away to find another shop.

"45,000 belis."
"55,000 belis."
"38,000 belis."
"65,000 belis."
"88,000 belis."
"100,000 belis."

Angrily messing his hair in frustration, Zoro grunted in annoyance,"Why are they so expensive!? Nami only gave me 1,000, too."

Kicking the ground, he suddenly found himself wandering into an unknown back alley. Knowing damn well he's lost, he shoved his hands in his pockets, walking down the place. Looking around, he spotted a traditional style shop. Curious, he walked his way to the shop. Staring up at the sign, he was shock at its name.

"L/n's Swordsman Repairs." Zoro said.

Looking at the door, it was a normal door, but had wood benches by the sides. The roof was traditional straw made, and the build itself was bamboo. Sitting by the door, was a sign that said '24/7 services to all customers!'.

Smiling at that, he opened the door, hearing chimes ring. Once entered, he can hear the sound of a sword being sharpened. Looking around the place, it looked like your typical sword shop. Barrels and racks holding different swords and katanas. In the farther back, there sat a counter for registering your item, but also large enough space to bring your sword for repair. It was a typical sword and repair shop, but something about it was...comforting, to him.

Turning to a barrel, Zoro began picking up and unsheathing katanas, examining their quality and worth. When he opened his first choice, he was shocked at the quality and detail of care and craft into it. Running a thumb on the blade, he admired the shine and sharpness. Putting it back in it's scabbard, he looked for others.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

Startled, Zoro jumped back, looking at the source of voice. He was surprised to see a girl his age, wearing a traditional male kimono.

"Uh...yeah?" Zoro said unsurely,"Who are you?"

Walking up to the counter, you were cleaning the sword in your hand with a cloth,"Hmm, no one's really asked for who I am before."

Looking at you questionly, Zoro remained quiet.

Rubbing the cloth on the blade, you looked up at the male,"I'm Y/n L/n. The owner and sword smith, at your service." You gave him a small head tilt.

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