Zoro | Not Ready (pt.2)

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Requested by LunaInThePlaceToBe


Chopper quickly went and got an drip bag, inserting the needle in your arm. Chopper was quick to bring medicine for you to digest, so your body could have some vitamins.

Zoro could simply only watch and hope that you wake up soon.



Slamming the door open, you squinted your eyes, as the bright rays of the sun hit your eyes. Holding your bandaged head, you head throbbed in pain, as you fell onto your hands and knees.

"Y/N!" Running to your side, Chopper held your arm,"You need to lay down and recover!"

Throwing him off your arm, you angrily glared at him,"GET OFF ME!!"

Your shout caught everyone else's attention, making them all appear to the main deck.

"Y/n-chan! You're up!"

Looking up at the blonde, you glared at him,"BACK OFF!"

Eye wide, he took a step back,"Y/n...chan?"

Slowly approaching you, Nami softly called out,"Y/n? Are you okay-"

Holding your head with both your hands, you slammed your forehead hard onto the grassy floor,"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!!? WHERE THE FUCK AM I!!?"

Everyone looked appalled, shock, and scared.

Eyes glossy, Chopper looked at you,"Y-you don't remember us?"

Continuing to slam your head onto the grass, you shouted,"GET AWAY FROM M-"

"R-Robin!!" Nami shouted in fear, as you fell to the grass, unconscious.

Hands down to her side, Robin stared down at your figure,"This was the only way to make her stop from hurting herself."

Quickly carrying your body, Chopper turned to them all,"Don't tell Zoro or Luffy about this!"

All them nodded.


Slowly opening your eyes, you stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Y-You're awake.."

Turning your head, you saw raccoon from earlier. Eyes narrowing, you sat up.

Panicking, Chopper rose his hooves up,"Don't! You need to rest!"

Glaring at him coldly, you frowned,"Where am I? Who are you?"

Gulping, Chopper carefully spoke,"I-I'm Chopper and you're on t-the Thousand Sunny."

Looking away from him, you stared at your palm,"Why am I here..."

Looking up at you, Chopper quickly looked away,"You won't believe me, but," clenching his hooves, he looked up at you with teary eyes,"BUT WE'RE FRIENDS! YOU LOST YOUR MEMORIES!"

Scoffing, you threw the blanket off your body.

Panicking, Chopper held onto your pants,"D-Don't go! You need r- oof!"

Shoving him away from you, you stared down at him. Clicking your tongue, you pushed the door open, as the sun hits your face again. Shielding your eyes, you furrowed your brows, as you stared at everything before you.

Spotting the orange hair girl walking to somewhere, you quickly went after her.


Turning around, Nami spotted you. Eyes wide with hope, she smiled,"Y/n-!"

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