Luffy | One Day

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Birds chirped, as the clear sky was bright. Flowers freshly blooming, trees are growing, and vegetations and berries flourish to be ripefully picked and used.

Putting on your sun hat, you walked out to your little farm and garden. Instead of your farm and garden being at the back of your house, everything was displayed at the front. Actually, every village house was like that. Everyone loved to share and talk to each other while they worked, so having your farm and garden at the front was perfect.

"Morning Y/n-chan!"

Turning towards your neighbor, you waved,"Morning Mrs. Hamijeko!"

The lady laughed, waving her hand,"Please, Y/n-chan dear! Just call me Yuko! How many times do I have to tell you that! I feel old when you add Mrs!!!"

Laughing with her, you shook your head before tending to your beautiful garden. Going on your knees, you grabbed a vegetable, examining its state. Seeing that it's fully ripe, you smiled, picking it and setting it in your basket. You went down the patch, before finishing. You sadly still had a few unfresh vegetables still, that still needs to grow. Wiping your sweat, you picked up your hefty basket.

Opening your front fence, you closed it behind you, as you walked down the dirt path. Walking down, you passed the beautiful flourished flowers and trees, as birds chirped and animals scattering around behind bushes. Humming to yourself, you took a few turns, before finding a nice clearing with a large glistening lake. Giddily making your way there, you sat on your knees, as you set your basket besides you. Grabbing your vegetables, you began cleaning them in the water. Bobbing your head softly as you hum, you heard rustling sounds from your right. Turning your head, your hands stopped working, as you waited for whatever it is to leave, or show.


"Eek!!" You yelled, as you felt a body collide to yours.

Grunting, you opened your eyes, to see an unknown face staring at yours. Screaming, you pushed the body off, holding yourself,"WHO ARE YOU!!??"

Before the boy can answer, a bunch of other people appeared from where he came from.

Your eyes widened, as you stared at his companions, who you supposed,"W-wha-"

"Luffy! Don't go flying off again! It can be dangerous!" An orange hair girl angrily said.

You remained quiet and still, as they yelled at the boy who slammed into you, being Luffy. Listening to their conversation, you leaned the names off all of them. You were still staring at them, that you hadn't noticed them looking at you.

"Who's that, Luffy?" Robin said.

"Eh?" Turning to look at you, Luffy laughed,"Oh! I don't know! I just crashed into her when I flung myself! Shishishishi!"

You yelped when you saw Luffy stretch himself to you,"What are y-you!?"

"Shishishishi, I'm a rubber man!" Luffy said, as he stretched his mouth.

Face plastered with digest and shock, you shakily got up,"I-I see.."

"Are these yours?"

Turning your head, you saw Chopper examining your basket and vegetables. Quickly walking to the creature, you snatched your basket away from him, startling him.

Dusting your long skirt, you gave them a quick bow,"Sorry...I have to go."

Before they can ask you any further questions, you dashed off back home.


A few days had passed since that incident, and you had completely forgotten about it. You see, you're quite a forgetful person, some might say short term memory loss was what you had. But really, you just let things slip your mind easily, if it's not important.

You were at your stall in town, selling your fresh vegetables and fruits. Coming from the country, village side, you enjoyed staring at the varieties of fresh veggies, fruits, and meat, basically anything that can be sold at the town market.

Bagging your vegetables for a lady, you took her money,"Thank you! Have a nice day ma'am!"

As you watched her leave with her bag of freshness, you noticed that from a few stalls down, an unknown blonde male with a straw hat boy. You tilted your head, since they obviously weren't around here.

Noticing they were approaching your stall, you waved at them cheerily,"Evening boys! Would you like some freshly picked fruits? Maybe vegetables?"

The blonde took notice of you, swooning with heart eyes. He grabbed your hand, going on his knee,"What a beautiful seller! I would buy any, and all of your items! What is your lovely name?"

Feeling flattered, you held your cheek with your free hand,"Oh my! I'm flattered! I'm Y/n, please just buy only the essentials!"

Blushing at your cute state, he stood up, holding your one hand to his chest,"Essentials? Well, I would say I'd like to buy yo-"


Both of your heads turned towards the voice. His Strawhat friend was pointing a finger at you, mouth agape and brows furrowed as if he'd seen a ghost.

Blinking, you tilted your head,"Me? Do I know you?"

Sanji kicked the top of his head,"Luffy! Don't go pointing at her! That's disrespectful!"

Yowling, Luffy held his hat,"But Sanji," pointing a finger at you again, he looked at Sanji,"That's the girl we met when we got here!"

Swiftly turning his head, Sanji stared at your innocent confused face,"She doesn't even know who you are."

Luffy stretched his arms, grabbing your shoulders,"Oi! You remember, right!?"

Your eyes widen in shock, as his arms stretched. As if a light clicked, you yelled,"YOUUUU!!!??"

Laughing, Luffy retracted his hands,"See!"

Placing your hands to your cheeks, you panicked,"W-what are y-you doing here!!??"

As they both explained to you who they were, you couldn't help but admire their story. Pirates. Adventures. It was a fairy tale you wished you can do.

"Do you want to join my crew?"

Laughing, you swatted the air,"I can't, sorry."

Pouting, Luffy crossed his arms childishly,"I refuse your refusal!"

Chuckling, you bagged a few vegetables and fruits,"Sorry, Luffy, but," handing Sanji the bags, you smiled,"I can't leave my home, not yet."

Pouting, Luffy stared at you,"Why!?"

Leaning on your stall, you gave him a soft smile,"I'm not ready."

Groaning, Luffy puffed his chest, pointing at you,"Fine! But one day I'm going to come get you, and you're going to join!"

Sanji sweat dropped,"Luffy."

Laughing, you held your stomach,"Hahahaha! Fine," sticking your pinky towards him, you smiled,"Promise?"

With a wide smile, Luffy intertwined his pinky with yours,"Promise!"

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