Aokiji | Internal Sleep

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Walking around, Aokiji enjoyed the coldness of the winter island he was on. The feeling of cold breeze passing his skin that were bare from clothes, and the crunching sound of snow under his feet.

Looking around the snowing forest, he saw a hint of something shiney from the corner of his eyes. Turning his head, he went towards the direction where it came from. Passing by a few shrubs and trees, he came across a clearing. But as he got there, he had to squint his eyes, as the shiney object sat in the middle of the clearing, under a the sun's rays. Eyes adjusting, he stared at the object.

What his eyes saw was a giant piece of ice, shaped like a pointed crystal. As he focused on it longer, his eyes widened slightly, at what he saw next.

Inside the crystal like ice, there inside, was an unconscious woman. She had (h/c) (h/l) hair, (s/c) skin that had frost bites, wearing nothing. She was there, displayed like a doll in a case.

Walking closer to it and upon closer inspection, he noticed her chest moving up and down very slowly. For some reason, he was strangely drawn to her, wanting to touch the ice.

Turning around, he walked away from it, towards the village. Walking down a very long path, his vision came clear to the hut village.

Looking around, he went towards the closest villager,"Excuse me."

Said villager turned around, smiling,"You must be a tourist! How can I help you?"

Staring down at the villager, he spoke carefully,"Do you know why there's a giant ice in the forest?"

The villager's eyes widened in shock, as they tensed,"A-ah. You've seen it."

Brows raised, he was now curious,"Do you know something of it?"

Waving their hands, they stared at him nervously,"Sorry! But I know nothing. If you're curious, you can ask the village shaman. She lives straight down the path."

Nodding, Aokiji went towards the said location. When walking down the village huts, he could see children in thick coats as they ran around playing. Adults were walking around chatting and shopping, as elders sat out the huts drinking tea.

Approaching the shaman's hut, he gave a light knock on the beaded door. Hearing an enter, he opened the door, having his face hit with herbal and medical scents.

"Ah, who might you be, young man?"

Turning towards the voice, he saw a lanky elder woman stirring her pot. She was beaded with bones and historical beadings, wearing a thick poncho with unique embroideries. Gray hair tied back in a thick low bun, a bandana tied on her head, keeping stray hairs away.

Standing by the door, Aokiji began,"I'm curious in something."

The elder lady cackled, staring into her pot,"You must mean the Azul Tomb."

Staring at her, Aokiji awaited for her to continue.

Sighing the elder, stopped stirring, taking a seat in a chair,"Have a seat, young man."

Nodding, he sat across from her, as she clasped her hands together.

Staring into her hands, she frowned,"It's truly a sad tale to tell."

Sitting still, he stared at her,"What is it?"

Taking a shaky breath, she began,"Before it was merely a fairy tale, a tale of about of a young maiden was in internal slumber. But it came true,"sighing she frowned,"Once upon a time, there lived a young beautiful maiden. She was the most beautiful maiden of her village. No woman can compare to her (h/c) (h/l) hair, her sparkling (e/c) eyes and soft (s/c) skin. Every single men wanted to wed her, for the village saw her as a goddess sent from above to watch and protect them. She was lively, full of spirit. She always helped the poor, helped any and everyone one who needed it. She puts others before her. But one day, she was straying alone in the forest, to collect herbs along a cliff, until she spotted a man laying in a clearing. Being the kind woman she was, she tended to him, until he was healed. She would go to that clearing everyday, just to see if he was fine. One would say she was in love, infatuated with the man, for he wasn't from the place. When the man awoken, she was sitting besides him, sleeping peacefully. The man was intrigued by her, as every man was, but his was different. It wasn't for her beauty nor for list, but for her kind soul. It was a daily thing for her to meet up with him at that spot, to talk. They slowly began falling in love, soon making love at that spot. Their soul was connected to each other, soul mates as romantics call it. Next morning when she awoken, he was gone. Nowhere in sight. She simply sat there, in the cold clearing, awaiting for his return, with nothing on for her clothes were torn to pieces by animals. This caused an uproar in the village, when she didn't return. People began searching for her, every nook and cranny, until the found the clearing. She sat there, frost bites crawling her skin, staring into the unknown. The villagers tried to move her, but she only smiled, saying that she waiting for his return. The people were worried, so they would offer her food and clothes everyday, for her to not touch them. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, months turning to years as she sat there waiting. Her body began getting iced, being hugged by ice every year passing, until she was fully crystalized in an ice casket. Every year on that day, people would bring her offerings, praying and asking for blessings. It was a sad tale for children, and romantics. The story of the Azul Tomb. The sleeping goddess who suffered for love."

Curious, Aokiji asked a question,"But why is she still breathing, still in shape after so many years?"

Cackling, the shaman stared up at him,"People would say that God is protecting her, but some said that her strong love for the man kept her alive."

Nodding, Aokiji got up, ready to leave until the shaman called after him. Turning his head to her, the shaman was nervous.

"But there's a small theory."

Standing, he waited for her to continue.

Swallowing, she clenched her fists,"It's said that a man with ice powers will soon awaken her."

Raising a brow at her, he frowned,"Why are you telling me this?"

Lips tighten, she sighed,"Many shamans, down each generations, have foreseen a man coming to this winter land. They say that he has the power to freeze a beast ten times a sea king and the strength of many men. Even saying that he will awaken the sleeping goddess."

Frowning deeper, he scowled,"And?"

Looking at him with fire in her eyes, she lowly whispered,"He is her incarnated lover."

Sighing, Aokiji turned away,"I see," opening the door, he spoke lowly,"Thank you, for the information."

Leaving the hut, he placed his hands into his pants pocket. Walking down the path, he passed the many people who are enjoying themselves.

Now out the village, he made his way back towards the clearing. Going the path he was before, he came face with the giant ice case again.

Walking up to it, he watched her face, as she soundly slept peacefully. Just staring at her face, he had the urge to press his hands where she was, but retreated his hands back. Staring at his hands for a second, he moved his eyes up her naked body to her peaceful face. He didn't know why, but he felt different. His chest hurts, he wanted to touch her, he wanted to hold her. He wanted her.

Hearing those words of the shaman repeating again, he frowned. He didn't believe in such fairy tale. He didn't believe in such love, or love at all.

Scoffing, he turned away from the giant ice. Walking away, he grabbed his bicycle, strolling it down the path, leading out.

Not looking back, he closed his eyes as he walked from her,"Sleep well," reaching the ocean, he paddled away,"Sleeping goddess, Y/n."

Hmmm kinda had this in mind when I first saw Aokiji...a sad romance of the internal sleeping woman being denied love from her reincarnated lover kinda cliché some would say,,but I guess that'll do :")

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