Spandam | Perfect Together

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A/n; absolutely despise this man, but I saw someone write him, so thought why not do this one for just the shits of it >:')

Arriving at Enies Lobby, you pushed your shades up, as you sauntered your way through the large doors. You can hear Marines saluting and greeting you.

"Welcome, Ms. L/n!"
"Evening, Ms. L/n!"

Those are all you heard, as you walked through the town. Passing through the Judge's court, you watched as they lowered the bridge. Before it was fully lowered, you began walking on it, as you heard some Marines shouting for you to wait. But ignoring them, you where at the edge, where it was still lowering. Scoffing at their slow, work you took one step. The Marines all screamed, as they saw you walk on air towards the other side.

Making it over, your heels clicked the stone ground, as you pushed the doors open, startling the guards from inside. Realizing it was you, the quickly bowed, and greeted you. Scoffing, you went up the many flights of dreaded stairs, and taking many turns, until you found the room you needed to be at. Pushing the door open, you can hear the people inside stop talking.

Entering, you looked around at the bunch through your shades. Humming, you lifted them to your head,"Greetings."

The people around remained quiet. Frowning, you looked at the desk that sat by the large pane window. Walking over, you stood a few feet away, staring at the purple haired man.

Having his hands clasped and touching his lips, his eyes eyed you up and down,"Who are you?"

Reaching a hand out, you stared into his golden eyes,"Y/n L/n."

Once realization kicked in, he jumped from his seat screaming. The other people around looked at him confusedly, until the only woman besides you spoke.

"Boss, who is she?" She said, adjusting her glasses.

Face red, he looked around from his chair, that he was behind,"M-my soon-to-be wife!"

They were stunned, when they stared at you. You had a large fur coat hanging from your shoulders, dressed nicely with a vest, blouse, and office pants. Your (h/c) (h/l) hair was neatly set on your head, shiney, and (s/c) skin. You had a clean, yet domineering presence, as if someone crossed you, you can instantly break them.

Turning around to face the bunch, you bowed,"Greetings." Looking up at their shocked face, you gave a ghost smile,"And yes. I'm his soon-to-be wife."

Adjusting her glasses again, she held her hip,"I'm curious. Why are you wed to him?"

Feigning shock, you gasped dramatically,"Hubby never told you!?"

The boys snickered at the pet name, making Spandam yell at them,"S-SHUT UP!"

With a fake sad look, you pouted,"Why, it all started when my knight in shining armor saved me!"

The man with a pigeon on his shoulder scoffed,"As if he can do that."

Snickering louder, your lips twitched upwards,"Of course he wouldn't. He's just a wussy with cover."

A man with long braid bursted out laughing loudly, as the others just tried to surpress their laughter.

Angry, Spandam got up, grabbing your collar,"Who do you think you are!? Trying to embarrass me!?"

Snaking your hands to his face, you watched as his face turned red, as you brought him closer, lips ghosting each other. Breathing softly, you chuckled,"I'd be careful if I were you, hubby~"

Pushing himself away, his face steamed red. Turning to his workers, he dismissed them. Brushing his hair back, he tried to surpress his anger.

Sitting on the couch, you crossed your leg, leaning on the arm rest, chin on palm,"Miss me, Spandam, hubby?" You teased.

Angrily, he turned towards you,"Shut up, woman! I don't even know why we're even hand in marriage! You're a distasteful woman! I'd never choose you to even be my wife!"

You boredly watched him as he kept ranting on and on. Rolling your eyes, you shouldered your coat off. Taking off your vest, you stood up, unbuttoning your blouse as you walked his way.

As he kept pacing around, shouting profanities and angry words, you pressed him onto his desk, giving him a deep, heated kiss. You slowly felt his hands snake to your lower back and hair. Deepening it, you held his neck, as one hand went under his shirt, tracing his surprisingly toned body. Once you both separated for air, his golden eyes held want and lust.

Holding your body tightly, he huskily growled,"More.."

Waving your finger at him, you smirked,"Tsk tsk!" Kissing his jaw and neck, you combed his tosled purple hair,"Not until after our wedding, hubby."

Growling, he turned his head away,"Why wait!?" Pulling your hips close, he kissed your neck,"I need you, right now!"

Feeling him getting more aggressive, he tried to turn you into his desk, but all he held was a mirror. Grunting, he turned around to see you sitting on the couch arm rest.

Looking at him, you smirked,"Patience my dear. I got to have my husband get a promotion before he can get anything special~"

Rolling his eyes, he crossed his arms,"You and your stupid standards and stupid power!" He pouted.

Raising a brow, you made a small mirror appear on you palm. Looking at yourself, making sure no lipstick smears, you smiled at your gorgeous reflection,"I rather call my power fitting! It shows me how beautiful and powerful I am~"

Scowling, he frowned,"It's just stupid mirrors! I have a cooler thing, being a sword that can turn to an elephant!"

Flicking your wrist, the small mirror disappeared,"Oh really? Even with that, you're still a wuss!" You hissed back.

Both of you angrily stood in front of each other, glaring. He stared deep into you (e/c) orbs as you to his golden ones. His jaws clenched tight, fists bawled, as you did the same.

After awhile, you turned away, crossing your arms,"You better get that promotion. You're dad arranged us so our bond can grow strong to rule over the world."

Brushing his hair back, he sighed,"I'm trying and I know I will get it, soon."

Smiling, you turned around to pinch his cheek,"Once you become rich and in a higher rank fast, I might consider letting us sleep together early!"

Smirking, he held your hips,"Then I better start working faster. You also have to become more higher rank, Y/n."

Giggling, you pecked his cheek,"Well, I have to get going now!"

He watched as you walked away, grabbing your coat. Once out the door, you quickly turned around and blew a kiss to him. When out of sight from each other, you both couldn't help put think the same of each other.

We're perfect for each other. Perfect together.

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