Aokiji | Internal Sleep (pt.2)

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Requested by vice-admiral-ruth bc they threatened me ('-﹏-';)


Not looking back, he closed his eyes as he walked from her,"Sleep well," reaching the ocean, he paddled away,"Sleeping goddess, Y/n."

Feeling warmth hit your skin, you weakly blinked your eyes open. Slowly sitting upright, you felt a large warm cloth slip from your body. Looking down, it was a large white cloth with something written on it. Looking around, you saw no one, only white snow and trees. Trying to get up on your feet, you rolled your ankle, as you feel down on your side. Moaning in pain, you prop yourself up and just blankly stared into the quiet white forest. Hearing something drop, you heard a gasp.

Turning around, you blankly stared, as a female ran away back into the forest. Looking down at what she's dropped, you spotted some shiny colored objects. Tilting your head, you wanted to crawl and examine them, but before you can even move an inch, the ground began shaking. Rustling sounds and footsteps grew louder, as in a blink of an eye, a large circle of people were around.

"Sh-she's awake!?"
"How'd she get set free!?"
"So the stories were true!"
"She's beautiful!"
"A goddess!"
"Who freed her!?"
"He must've been strong!"
"She's naked!"
"Don't look!"
"Someone bring her clothes!"

You just watched in confusion, as some people left. You couldn't really understand what they were saying, all you heard was mumbling and incoherent things. Looking around, you noticed they had thick layers of cloth on them. Making eye contact with a child, you watched as he ducked behind his mother, face red.

Hearing soft footsteps approaching you, you turned and saw a female shakily holding out bundles of cloth to you,"I- h-here."

Staring at her for a bit, you slowly grabbed the cloths. Pulling them up, you unfolded them and stared at them, as the village people watched you, as if you weren't a human.

"She must've lost her memories."

Everyone turned to see the village shaman approach you. Looking at her, your blank eyes examined hers.

Kneeling to you, the elder woman motion her hand,"Everyone leave."

Hearing a few protests, the elder turned with a scornful look. Scared, they quickly went back into the village.

As you two were finally alone, the elder brushed your hair back,"Welcome home, Y/n."


Swinging your feet back and forth, as you sat on the remaining piece of crystalized ice, you patiently awaited for the elder woman to return.

Looking around, you noticed that you were in a grassy area, as the rest was covered with thick layers of snow. Looking up, you noticed the barely noticeable warm sun, right above you. Hearing rustling, your head turned to see the elder approach you with a basket of colorful objects and more white cloth.

Placing the basket down, the elder gently grabbed your injured foot,"You must be careful next time, Y/n." You watched as she carefully wrapped white cloth around your ankle.


Snapping to look up at you, she grabbed your shoulders,"W-what did you say, Y/n?"

Tilting your head, you hoarsely spoke again,"K-Koozh-zha-zhawn."

Eyes wide, she bit her lip, as she let you go. Turning around, she rubbed her chin,"How does she know his name. She's never met him, nor know him."

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