Zoro | Creepy

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You were currently stalking Roronoa Zoro, as he aimlessly walked around the town streets. Why are you even stalking him you might say, well let's start with the begining of the situation.


You were on duty to scout the town streets for any wandering pirates, since you're new to the job. You're boss ordered everyone to stay on guard, since he successfully tracked down a specific pirate crew that he's been wanting to capture. You didn't think much, since you're sure your boss, or Vice Admiral, would simple let them go again.

Yawning, you stretched your arms up, as you let a good pop crack from your back. Scratching the back of your head, you boredly walked around town, until you spotted a weird green moss floating. Confused, you rubbed and blinked your eyes a few times, until you spotted the back of a swordsman that was part of your target.

Getting more interested, you quietly followed, making sure you're cautiously not obvious. You followed him from approximately 30 people away, having a keen eye on his moss head. Blinking, you suddenly lost sight of him. Grumbling under your breath, you darted into an alley way, before jumping from the sides of the shops to the roof.

Reaching the top, you jumped from roof to roof, before you found the green head again. Making sure you're not to be seen, you followed him. Leading to now.


Watching him, you soon came to notice that he's lost. You watched as he stumbled into a dead end. Covering your mouth, you choked a snort, before laughing loudly. You saw him quickly turn to your way, before you turned around to cover yourself.

You cursed yourself mentally for being so loud, but came back to reality, when you heard footsteps behind you. Composing yourself, you straightened yourself, facing the moss head.

With a sneer, Zoro stood many feets away,"Who are you? Why're you following me?"

Clearing your throat, you showed him your coat,"Isn't it obvious?"

Zoro's eyes widened, before going on defense, holding his katanas,"A Marine!?"

Giving him a clap, you gave him a thumbs up,"Yes, that I am! Good job on finding out!"

Still cautious, Zoro watched you closely,"What do you want?"

Cracking your neck, you smiled at him,"I heard your strong," squatting low, your eyes narrowed,"Let's fight."

Brows furrowed, Zoro pulled out his swords, placing one in his mouth,"You asked for it, woman."

Smile widening, you're eyes flickered, as he lunged at you, nearly slicing your ear. You darted to the side, sliding, as you turned to him, he was quick on offense.


Spinning to the side, you slide on your hands and knees, as the blow nearly made you topple. As he turned towards you, he charged again, but your smile widened, giving Zoro an unsettling feeling.

Nearing you, reading to attack again, you kept the smile, muttering,"Chomp."

Zoro's eyes widened and before he can jump away from you, he watched as your mouth widened, showcasing rows of fangs.

You bite down on onto the sword's blade that was being held by his mouth, as the two in his hands moved to the side.

Eyes turning to you, he scowled,"What the hell was that!?"

Deeply chuckling, you moved your eyes to him,"Scary isn't it?"

Growling, he tried to move back, but before he could take a step, you yanked the weapon from his mouth. Frowning, he watched you, as you held it by the blade, with yours.

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