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"Jisung? Is that you?"

Jisung was walking to the school when someone called his name. He turned around and saw his friend Chenle.

"Oh, hey! You're in this university too?" He asked.

"Yeah. My brother goes here and he says that it's really competitive. There's even something called the Elite 10."

Jisung raised an eyebrow, "Elite 10?"

"It's a group of top students who attend this school. Some of them even have assistants."

"Count me in. The next time you see me, I'll be in 1st place!"

"Good luck then! To be in the Elite 10, you have to go through a series of competitions. Like singing, rapping, dancing, or even music producing. The student in 1st place is Lee Minho, he's known to be really rude and cold to others. But he's amazing at creating choreos, he can also rap AND sing."

"How about the rest of them?"

"2nd place is Bangchan. I heard that he's created songs like Levanter and Double knot. 3rd place is Seo Changbin, he produces a lot of rap songs and raps really well. The rest of them are on the school's bulletin board. There's 2 couples, Hwang Hyunjin in 4th place and Kim Seungmin in 5th. There's also Lee Felix in 6th place and Seo Changbin."

"Okay, but aren't there any vacant places?"

"There's 1 seat open. The year just started so everyone's preparing. To be able to go against the Elite 10, you have to be the top student of your class."

"Ohh okay. Are they nice?"

"Most of them. They call themselves Stray Kids. They're all really close friends. They're kind of like the student council."

"I'm excited. Come on! I have to get my schedule."

"Alright! I'll see you later Jisungie!" He walked the opposite direction, towards a group of people he seemed to know.

Jisung entered the maim building of the university and asked around about where the main office was.

"It's right over there." A student pointed towards a door.

After thanking them, he went into the room and saw a blonde student wearing glasses, sorting papers.

"Hi, I'm Han Jisung, a new student. I came here for my schedule?"

"Oh, a new student! I'm Bangchan, you can call me Chan. This is your schedule." He handed out a piece of paper to the latter.

"Bangchan? Isn't he in the top 10?"

"Thank you..Chan?"

"Yup! Also, you should get to class, the bell rings in 10 minutes."

Jisung checked his watch and hurried out of the room, "Thank you again!" He said.

Chan smiled before going back to what he was doing.

Jisung ran into the classroom he was supposed to have first and saw everyone talking, "Phew, I'm not late."

Almost all the seat were take except for the ones at the back.

"How unlucky must I be?"

Jisung doesn't have the best vision, so he prefers sitting in front.

There was one seat available though, he walked there and sat down, fixing his things. He sat up and saw people whispering.

"Does he have any shame? How can he just sit there?"

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