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"Bye Lix! I'm heading to the university now."

Felix waved to him, "Good luck on your competition Sungie! I'm cheering for you!"

Jisung smiled before closing the door and walking to the school.

It's been a week and a few days since the sleepover and Jisung's mostly been practicing in his free time and having meetings for the school fair which was in a few days.

He stopped by the backdoor of the event room, hearing the staff setting up the stage and loud murmurs of the other students.

"I hope I do well."

He entered through the backdoor, the staff noticing him immediately.

"Han Jisung? There's a practice room across the hall, you and Kang Jihoon have been requested to rehearse there for the time being. A staff will come and inform you when it's time to get onstage."

"Okay. Thank you." He bowed before walking to the practice room.

Jisung saw another figure dancing in the room, but he couldn't see clearly since the lights were a bit dim.

He quietly entered the room and put his belongings down.

Once the guy finished dancing, he saw Jisung.

"Hey. Are you Han Jisung?"

"Um, yeah? And I suppose you're Kang Jihoon?"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you."

"I heard rumors about you having connections with the Elite 10? Are you sure this is gonna be a fair competition?" Jihoon sarcastically joked.

"Heh. No I didn't pay them or anything. A few months ago, one of our teachers asked me to be Lee Minho's assistant. I had no choice but to accept it, and I moved into the house they were all staying in so it'd be easier for me to help him. We slowly became.. friends."

"Did he help you for this competition?"

"The deal was that in return for being his assistant, he'd guide me and help me improve, but he didn't help me for this round since he's the judge."

"Oh. Then I guess we both have a chance in winning."


"Anyways, I have to practice again. You can stay on that side of the room so we don't see each other's performances." Jihoon pointed to the other side of where he was practicing and turned away before rehearsing his dance again.


Jisung took his things and moved it before also practicing his dance.

45 minutes later...

*Knock Knock*

One of the staff entered the room, "Hey guys. The introduction of the competition starts in 10. Please be ready."

"Okay we will." Jisung replied.

The staff left the room and the two looked at each other.

"Let's go?" Jisung nodded in agreement.

Jihoon went to the stage with Jisung.

Since it was the final round, the host was different.

"Hi guys! I'm Hyunjin and I'll be your host for today's competition!"

The crowd cheered wildly for him.

"Talk about good looks huh?" Jihoon whispered to Jisung.

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