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The next school year...

"Sungie, are you alright there!? It's almost been a year since you've moved out of here! You can always go back home."

"Mom, I'm fine. Nothing has happened to me."

Jisung was on a phone call with his mom as he walked with Seungmin to school.

He took the written test before summer started and aced it, officially naming him a member of the Elite 10. Last week, they received a letter from the school saying that they had to attend classes almost everyday to help decide their average.

He and Seungmin were about to go on their first day of school and got their schedules from Chan the day before.

"We're here." They finally arrived at the school's gates.

Students who were passing by saw them and started whispering, in a good way though.

The two girls from before that approached Minho passed by them, "Is that Jisung? He seems so... different now."

Her friend replied to her, "Dumbass, he's part of the Elite 10! Didn't you see his score on the written test!? He almost got as high as Seungmin!"


"Ugh." She rolled her eyes as the two walked away.

"Don't mind those people." Seungmin turned Jisung away from them. "Hey, are you still Minho's assistant?"

"No, not anymore. He's getting a new one in a few weeks, I'll also be busier by then."

"Oh. At least there's less work for you?"

Jisung shrugged, not really knowing what to think. Since he got this amazing title, he's been receiving numerous requests and even getting street casted by big agencies.

"Are you going to the meeting later? What is it about?" He asked Seungmin.

"I'm going. Everyone was talking about the new students. Apparently one of them is siblings with that Kang Jihoon guy you went up against a few months ago."

"Okay, I guess I'll go too."

They soon entered the school and went to the meeting room.

During their first class...

Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix had the same class so they all sat together. With Felix and Jisung sitting beside each other and the couple behind them.

A different teacher came inside the auditorium, which caught Jisung's eye.

"Who's that? Is he new?" He asked Seungmin.

"Yup. He did great when we interviewed him and decided to keep him as a sub for any teachers on leave since we're currently fully staffed. I guess Mr. Choi isn't present today."


Jisung turned back to his seat and faced front.

"Hi class, I'm Mr. Park and I'll be your substitute teacher for today."

The students greeted him.

"Like usual, Mr. Choi prepared a few activities for everyone to be able to get to know each other since it's the first day of school. "

They all groaned, Mr. Choi was famous for creating possibly the worst groupings for any activity. A group he formed for an activity during class got into trouble for starting a fight, two of them even getting kicked out of the school.

A student raised his hand, "Sir, what about the new students?"

"New students will come in next week after the scheduled orientation. Now, everyone will split into 6 groups. I'll be giving each group a scenario on a piece of paper and everyone has to go on stage, solving the scenario and improvising your lines."

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