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"So you started dating? That was fast." Changbin's expression was pure disbelief.

"Maybe you were just that ugly for Felix. It's not my fault it took you 2 years for him to return your feelings!"

"Hey! We're in public, don't shout it out loud." Changbin shushed Jisung.

They were in the hallways walking to the studio the Elite 10 uses. They'd rather be at home but Chan was working on something important so they decided to go here to practice.

"Hey, do you wanna make your own song for the school fair? Chan hyung asked us to do a duet with someone but Felix is going with Seungmin. I'm not sure about Minho but he probably has someone in mind."

"Sure! Let's work on it after practice. I still have a lot of time before I have to pick up Minho from the gym."



"Seungmin? Are you done? My mom is asking where we are!" Jisung knocked on his door multiple times.

"Okay! I'm done I'm done!"

It was the weekend and Seungmin asked Jisung if he could come along in visiting his parents. He said he had no plans and wanted to meet Jisung's parents.

As soon as Seungmin finished getting ready, they both got in the car and went to his house.

"Woah, your house is huge."

"Thanks?? I bet yours is bigger."

"Yeah I doubt that."

Doyoung dropped them off right by the gates where the guards recognized him.

"Jisung? It's been a long time since you came. Who's this?" Mr. Nam has been Jisung's parent's friend for a long time, also working as a bodyguard for them.

"My close friend Seungmin. Is dad home?"

"Not yet, he's at a meeting."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks Mr. Nam!" The gates opened and the two friends went up to the door.

The maids opened it, greeting them.

"Jisung, your level of richness is unbelievable."

"Um.. let's go to the garden, my mom said she was there when I called."

They went to the back of the house after dropping off their bags and saw her sitting on a bench.

"Mom!" He ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Jisungie!! You're back!" She hugged him back.

After they broke away, Seungmin was looking around the garden when she noticed him.

"Hi there! I'm Jisung's mom, Mrs. Han."

"I'm Kim Seungmin." He bowed politely.

"Seungmin? Sounds familiar.. hm." She looked at Seungmin and opened her phone, looking for something.

"Hey, do you guys have anything to do tomorrow? You can invite more of your friends and sleep over."

Jisung and Seungmin looked at each other and nodded. "We'll call them."

"Jisungie, can I talk to you for a second?" She asked him.

"Alright mom."

He turend to Seungmin, "You call Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin. I'll call Minho, Jeongin and Chan hyung."

The latter replied with an ok went inside the house.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"You don't remember Seungmin?"

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