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Jisung and Minho were walking to the school with the others who were a bit ahead of them.

"I have dance class first. You?" Jisung looked at his schedule.

"I have music class." Minho replied.

"Aww. Fine, let's just see each other during lunch?"


They intertwined their hands together as discreetly as possible so they wouldn't attract any attention to themselves. A few days ago, they had a talk about keeping their relationship a secret instead of letting the whole school know about it.


"Babe?" Minho called for Jisung.


"You know.. we're dating now."

"Well, I thought I knew that already."

"No, I mean, um, w-what's your opinion on going 'public' with our relationship?"

"I mean I don't mind." Jisung tried to act like he didn't care. But inside, he was overthinking so much as if the world was going to end.

"I really would but I-I don't know. I'm scared. Like what if people start to hate me because I'm dating the person who almost everyone has a crush on? Won't they accuse me of using him to get into the Elite 10? Would they think I was cheating during the competitions? What if-"

"Jisung. What's wrong? We could always keep it a secret. We don't have to tell them."

"I know you want to. I'm just.. scared."


"What if others start to h-hate me and make fun of m-me? What if they think I was u-using you? I don't want to seem like I'm using you."

"They won't. I'll get mad at them for you."

"You don't have to do that.."

"I will. They don't know anything about you."

"I don't want you to waste your energy on someone who can't even defend themself. Let's
j-just keep it a secret for now?"

"Hmm. Okay. But if someone makes fun of you, I want you to tell me right away."

"Thank you." Jisung leaned his head on Minho's shoulder. The older put his head on top and held their hands together.

(End of flashback)

"I'll see you after class?" Minho dropped Jisung off at his classroom.


They smiled at each other before parting ways.

"You two sure aren't being discreet enough." Felix smirked.

"Shut up."

The two of them laughed at each other before turning in front to face the teacher.

"Today, we'll gonna practice analyzing choreographies."

Everyone groaned again, knowing they'd have to write an essay about it at some point.

During lunch...

As soon as Jisung's class ended, Minho was leaning against the lockers, waiting for him.

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