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"Jisung? Sungie?"

The latter's eyes fluttered open and he saw Seungmin sitting beside him, his eyes hinting "I want to go to fucking sleep but since I'm a good friend, I'm still here". It was appreciated though.

"Where are we?"

"In the hospital. You fainted earlier and have a really high fever."

Jisung looked around and noticed that Minho wasn't there, again.

"He wasn't picking up my calls." Seungmin admitted to him, extremely worried of his bestfriend's health.

"What time is it?"

"It's 9pm. We can go home after I sign some of the papers. The others also went home since we have school tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you." Jisung smiled at him weakly before lying down again.

It feels like he's never here.

You keep telling me everything is fine when you do the complete opposite.


Seungmin and Jisung just arrived home after Doyoung drove them and was greeted by Chan who was still up, working.

"I'll go to my room now. Goodnight guys." Jisung started walking upstairs but his legs went weak again.

"Woah there." Chan caught him before he could fall.

"I'll bring him upstairs. Goodnight hyung." Seungmin held onto Jisung's arm to help him stand and walk.

They entered his bedroom and Seungmin put a damp towel on his forehead, making sure to give him lots of water.



"What did you and Changbin talk about?"


"On your birthday. When you two went outside."

"An offer. I'm not sure whether to accept it or not."

"What is it about?"

Jisung knew it could hurt Seungmin if he said he wanted to go, but it was his dream. He would come back after a few years anyway.

So he kept quiet.

"Sungie. You know I wouldn't snitch on you. I won't get mad either. I'm just curious."

"A.. A company, a branch of JYP entertainment.  In Japan. They called Changbin and said they were willing to help me make a debut there before I debut here in Korea."

"JYP? That's amazing! Are you going?"

"Aren't you mad? That if I go, I'll have to leave you guys?"

"Of course I'm gonna be sad. But.. considering what you've been going through? Do you think it's worth it to stay here in Korea, get hurt again and again by someone you love or go to Japan, work at a top tier company and debut as a successful producer and rapper? I think you should know by now what to do."

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