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Jisung was in Minho's room trying to call him.

"Hello?" Minho replied.

"Finally you picked up. What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was-"

"How about this?" A girl's voice in the background was heard.

"Oh um. S-Sorry Jisung. I need to go." Minho abruptly ended the phone call.

"Huh? Maybe I'll just send a text."

"Hey, do you wanna go on a date tomorrow? Just a walk in the park or something."

"And... sent!"

Minho texted back soon, "Sorry Ji. I agreed to show Mira around the campus tomorrow. You can wait at the school cafe at around 5? Let's have dinner."

"Okay. <3"
• Seen.

"Showing her around the campus? She's been here a week. Does she still not know where the basics are?? How did they get that close so fast?"

A small part of him got a jealous that his boyfriend was going to be spending time with his ex rather than him, but he kept reminding himself that they were only friends.

The next day...

Seungmin was going to his room when he saw Jisung sitting on the floor, playing around with his bracelet."Sungie? I thought you and Minho were going on a date."

"He's showing Mira around the campus. I'll meet him at the cafe in a few hours."

"Mira? Hm. I'm having a tutoring session. Do you want to go with me for the time being?"

"Sure." Jisung got up from the ground and changed into more proper clothes.

They walked to school quickly so that Seungmin could get there in time.

"Jinyoung!" Seungmin ran to him.

"Hey Seungmin."

"Jinyoung??" Jisung looked at Seungmin.

"The other day, he had a hard time understanding during Mr. Lee's lecture so he asked me to tutor him."

"Jisung? Han Jisung?"

"Hi there." Jisung greeted him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend so I'll be here for the time being."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Y-Yeah. Anyways, I won't bother you. I'll be over there, reading a few books." Jisung pointed to one corner of a book shelf and walked towards it.

"Okay, thanks Hannie!"

Jisung smiled at the two before leaving them alone and picking out a few books that seemed to spark interest.

"Ooh. This is nice."

A few hours later...

Seungmin put the pencil down, "You get it now?"

"Yup. Thanks Seungmin."

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow." He started packing up his things and putting it in his bag.

"See you tomorrow!" Jinyoung waved at him and left the library.

"Hey, it's 4:50pm. You should get going now. I'll head back home. Have fun on your date!"

"Alright. Thanks Seungmin!" Jisung put the books back to their place and exited the library, heading towards the cafe.

He entered the familiar shop, the strong scent of coffee beans hitting him.

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