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"Calm your shit down, what is it??" Changbin asked, almost hopelessly.

"You know 2pm's Again & Again, right?"

"Of course."

"What if we cover it and add our own rap lyrics?"

"I like the idea." Felix agreed.

"Me too. Let's do it."

Jisung smiled, finally feeling helpful unlike before. "Alright! I'll write the rap lyrics while Felix, can you work on the choreography?"

"I'll try to rearranging the song." Changbin took out his headphones and laptop from his bag.

Everyone started working, including other teams as well.


"Changbin hyung! I'm done!" Jisung walked up to him.

The older nodded, "I'm done too."

"Can we try going to one of the studios now? Ms. Lee might allow us."

They all looked at one another, waiting for someone to speak up. "I'll do it." Felix went to her.

"Ms. Lee? My group is done with our idea so can we go to the studio to see how it sounds?"

"Sure! When you're done, feel free to go back to your rooms."

"Okay, thank you!"

Felix turned around and gave them a thumbs up. They smiled and stood up, leaving the practice room.

While walking, Changbin got curious. "Hannie, I've never seen you write lyrics, can I take a look?"

"Here!" He gave the paper to Changbin and continued walking.

Changbin kept the paper in his hand as they arrived and entered the empty room, plugging his usb into the plug and sat on the chair in the control room. Jisung sent Felix his lyrics through a text while he read from his phone.

"I'll let you listen to the beat first? Then Hannie can try singing the chorus. Lix will go next with his rap."

They put on the headphones and signaled Changbin to start.

"3..2...1.. go!" He flicked his finger, telling Jisung to start singing the chorus.


"Done!" He ended the recording as the two exited the other room, asking him how it went.

"Is it okay? Do we need to change anything?" Han asked.

Felix's jaw was wide open, "First of all, Han Jisung. Your rapping skills are on another level!"

He smiled at the compliment and thanked him.

"This is the recording. I think that it's great already. No changes needed."

"Alright!! I'm free!" They all walked back to the suite together.

Changbin and Felix shared a room so they greeted Jisung goodnight before parting ways.

"Ah. I'm done!" He relaxed into his bed.

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