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Everyone just finished eating dinner. After lunch, they all went to the park for a bit.

"Goodnight guys!" Jisung waved.

He and Minho would be staying in his room.

Changbin leaned towards him and whispered, "Don't do anything too bad! Make sure you can still walk tomorrow, you're competition is in a few days!"

"I'm gonna kill you."

"Goodnight!" He and Felix walked away and into their rooms.

"Babe, can you get me the face towel?" Minho called for him.


"Sure." He answered. Jisung grabbed the clean face towel from one of his drawers and gave it to Minho who's eyes were closes from the water on his face.

Jisung wiped the water off his face,"You get washed up first. I still have to check your schedule for tomorrow."

"Okay. Thanks." Minho pecked him on the cheek before walking into the washroom again.



The older finished taking a shower and left the bathroom.


He saw Jisung sleeping on the bed.


He tucked Jisung in and lied down on the other side to go to sleep as well.

The following morning...

"Huh?" Jisung woke up comfortably, feeling the warmth from his blanket and from the arm around his waist.

He turned around and saw Minho sleeping peacefully.

"He's so cute."

"Minho? Come on, let's have breakfast."

"Nooo, I'll stay here. You go first."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.." The older fell back to sleep.

"Okay. I'll be back in around 20 minutes."

Jisung got up and took a shower before heading downstairs.

"Hey Hannie. You're up?" Seungmin and Chan were eating.

"Yeah. Minho has a few things to do today. I also have practice."

"Ohh. Anyways, we were talking about what would happen next year. If Minho would need a new assistant or stuff like that."

Jisung sat down with them and began eating breakfast.

Chan sighed, "Mr. Lee said that we'd have to attend classes at least every other day to have a final grade by the end of the year."

Seungmin's eyes brightened up, "What!? Woohoo!"

Chan chuckled bitterly, "Yeah for you. I have tons of paperwork to do while attending classes. I should be getting paid."

"Aren't you getting paid?"

"Sort of? I don't know. Ask the school."

Jisung finished eating quickly and looked at them, "Nice talk. I have practice all day, you guys can go home with Minho!" He ran upstairs.

He slowly entered his room and saw the older sleeping.

"Minho? I need to go to practice in 30 minutes. I'll let you sleep a bit more but make sure to go home with the others, okay?"

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