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"I'll go first!" Seungmin volunteered.

"Okay Seungmin, truth or dare?" Felix asked.

For a moment, Seungmin thought about what she should choose,"Dare. I'm no coward."

"I dare you to ignore whatever Hyunjin says for the rest of the night."

"WHAT!? That's a punishment for ME not for him! He ignores me on a regular basis." Hyunjin protested.

"Then you live a sad life too." Felix wiped a fake tear off his cheek.

"Okay, my turn!" Seungmin said.

"Wait." Jeongin stood up and walked towards Minho.

"Hyung! Wake up! Uh.. THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" He shook the older but he didn't move.

"Just let it burn." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

Hyunjin went to Minho and sighed before slapping his face, "Yah. Your cats are missing."

The latter sat up immediately, "WHAT? SINCE WHEN-"

"Good. You're awake now."

Minho lied down on his bed again."Ugh. I'm going back to sleep. Come here." Minho signaled for Hyunjin to sleep beside him so he could hug him.

"Hey! He has a boyfriend! Back off before I scoop your eyeballs out." Seungmin glared at Minho.

"You're not falling asleep." Hyunjin pulled Minho towards the area where everyone else was playing.

"What's going on? You guys look like a cult."

"We're playing truth or dare." Jisung said.

Everyone sat down again and continued playing.

"Alright. Felix, truth or dare?" Seungmin asked him.


"You're not allowed to play Fortnite for the rest of the week."

"But that's too long!"

"Get over it. You need to stop with your obsession." Seungmin shook his head.

"Finee. Hannie, truth or dare?"

"Hm. Since everyone is doing it, I'll go for a dare!"

Everyone glanced at the Minho and Jisung for a few moments before Felix spoke up, "I dare you and Minho to stay in the closet for 10 minutes."


"I'm not doing that." Minho declined.

"Too bad. Get in the fucking closet." Felix pointed at the door leading to Minho's walk-in closet.

Jisung sighed before pulling Minho's arm to go with him.

"Let's just get this over with." The two of them walked into the small room, not really expecting anything, when Seungmin took a broom from the corner of the bedroom and locked the door so they wouldn't be able to get out.

Suddenly, the lights turned on, startling Jisung.


"The lights are off so I hope you guys can still see each other! We're gonna get some chicken downstairs, we'll be back in 10 minutes!" The two heard giggling and footsteps leading away from the door.

"Great." Minho sarcastically said.

Minho didn't organize his closet this morning, so there were a lot of scattered clothes. A shirt on a hanger fell from the top of the shelf, creating a big noise that startled Jisung, making me scream, but felt something holding onto him. You could barely see anything so Jisung was even more scared.

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